

Destiny of you and me! (4)
Chapter 4

"Hello, is this Riya Armani,
The CEO of GOLD air flights?"

"Yes, who is this?"

"I am Ahmed shahi 'director of the aviation department' international airport Afghanistan. GOLD 5060 and NIRVANA 605 has been hijacked at our airport by terrorists!"

Riya was completely startled when she heard that planes were hijacked!

"Our airport security team and Afghanistan military are here so please stay calm and Inform the CEO of
NIRVANA air flights; we will try our best to rescue all the passengers and crew members."

"But our flight was a direct flight to London, How did it end at your airport?"

" Flight GOLD 5060 and flight NIRVANA 605 landed here due to climatic conditions this is the only information we have right now."

After hearing this, she called one of her employee from management department
"I need contact details of CEO Aarav as soon as possible"

after hearing this; the employee right away went to her department and brought all the necessary details.

Every other employee thought that this incident has something to do with NIRVANA airlines.

Riya went through all the details and found his number.

She dialed his number hoping that he would receive her call but the reply was ' user you are trying to reach is busy, please call again later.'

After a few minutes again she callebut the answer was same, so she texted him saying that-
' I am CEO of GOLD airlines, you need to know something regarding missing flights; either receive my call
or you call me'

After sending the text she received a call immediately, she rolled her eyes in frustration before receiving it.

"Hello, I am CEO Aarav" came a voice from the other side of the phone.

When Riya heard his voice, all her emotions were stirred up at once?

"hello is this CEO of GOLD Airlines?"
The voice came again.

"yes, I am CEO of GOLD airlines Riya Armani"

She didn't let him speak and continued-
"GOLD 5060 and NIRVANA 605 are at international airport Afghanistan-"

She was not able to complete her sentence as the other person shouted from the other side of the phone

"what? What did you say? How do you even know about that? Why are-"

"will you let me finish my sentence or will you just continue blabbering?" frustrated Riya asked.

" Sorry, go ahead"

"GOLD 5060 and NIRVANA 605 has been hijacked at international airport Afghanistan, they said that their
airport security team and military team are already there and will try to rescue all passengers and crew members;
even though they said that I think we both should be present their as well"

"Yes you are right, we should be there but before that, we need to hold a meeting regarding this matter and do some PR to release this information."

"OK let me arrange a flight to Afghanistan"

Both of them agreed and decided to do as they planned.

But the employees at GOLD airlines assumed that NIRVANA Airlines was behind this incident; before Riya
could hold a meeting there was already new update on all social networking sites-

' Is NIRVANA airlines behind the incident of missing flights GOLD 5060 and NIRVANA 605? NIRVANA crossed all its limits for rivalry!’

This news was not broadcasted from the official website of the GOLD airlines.

But will NIRVANA airlines believe this or will it believe
news headline?
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