

Edith Stein Quotes
“My life begins anew with the dawn of each morning and ends each night. Beyond that I have neither plans nor projects. Naturally I can plan things for my daily homework; but that shouldn't cause me to worry about tomorrow ”.

"I have come to the conclusion that you have to give your inner life the nourishment it needs, especially when there is a lot of outer activity."

“Religion is not something to live in a quiet corner and during a few hours of partying, but it must be the root and foundation of all life. And this, not only for some chosen ones, but for every Christian who is truly one ”.

“The more the soul rises towards God, the more it descends to the depths of itself. The union takes place in the most intimate, in its deepest depth ”.

“From those who go hand in hand with God, streams of life-giving water arise, at the same time that they develop a mysterious attraction. Without intending it, he has to become a guide for others and beget and win sons and daughters for the Kingdom of God ”.

“For Christians there are no strange men. Our neighbor is everyone who is before us and who needs us. And he is indifferent whether he is our relative or not; whether we like him or dislike him… ”.

“It has always been far from my thinking that the mercy of God is circumscribed to the limits of the visible Church. God is the truth. And whoever seeks the truth, seeks God ”.

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