

The school where she went broke out in a total panic as students pile into school with. Few not knowing what happened last night, and what happened to the girl who killed her was written on the teachers and the parents lips.
The school was in session and so all the students of Glensdale high home of the Spartans. And on the schools campus news anchor and journalist broadcasters all swarm around the faculty and asking questions.
As she knew what this was all about but choose to ignore it. And went on with her life she was walking up to get too class; and her name was Casey Pierce a girl who is very straight forwards and always focus on her future than her past. She had white papermache like skin that spreads out over her bones just to pristine like and so perfect her body of the womanly figure shows her beauty.
She loves to wear low tops, and tight jean shorts to show off the tip of her ass she was nineteen, and her best friend who walks up from behind her and slaps her ass.
Her friend is Lillian who is a white skin that yanks over her bones of her pefect linement of her womanly body.
"Ah jesus Lillian?" - "Sorry" and the two girls walk into the school together and they both see the reporters from big time news networks.
"What happened?" - "You don't know?" "No what?" Lillian puts her arm around Casey's shoulders and couldn't explain this better than anyone could to her.
"Sarah Morris was killed last night?" - "What? how." - "They don't know, all that I can tell you is that she was not just killed she was brutually killed like ripped open, and it's all over social media right now." - "Gah they don't know who did it do they?" "No clue, her poor mom found her in a tree with a sign that said Gotcha" "So someone thought it was pratical joke?"
The two girls reach the top stairs and left at that and all the student go to class and the day past and lunch time was near, and so she and her friend Lillian where outside near the water garden on campus of the school. She was with her boyfriend a handsome young looking man with light brown caramel like skin, that made marks over his chiseled out manly figure of his and he was a basketball, and football star for the school he holds the records for the most touchdowns in a single season.
"Hey? What you up tonight." Lillian looks at him with those long girly, and flittering eyes of hers that flutter when he talks to her. "I don't know?" - "Because some of the team mates are going to a movie after practice" "Oh really is it a scary movie" she leans forwards and makes out with him and Casey was getting to the point of disguised to see that, and she looks over across the walk to a young good looking handsome man as will. He looks over at Casey and walks right up to her and Lillians boyfriend looks over at the guy as will, and he seemed to know him. "Hey Will?" says Lillians boyfriend, and the guy turns to look over at him. Sam gets up from where he was sitting that was next to Lillian. "Hey Sam?" they both do the boys handshake a cool way of shaking hands but it was strange for the girls to see it. "So who is your friend?" - Sam turns to look over at Casey.
"This is Casey Pierce"
Casey gets up from where she was sitting and shakes his hand.
"Casey?" - "Hello Will?" Sam interrupts and he takes Wills shoulders and they both from there and then they go into the crowd and Lillian and Casey both walk back into class as will, and after school was over.
Casey was in her room and she was on her laptop she was doing her homework finishing up assingments that were due, and she was also on skype a message pops up from a girl that she knew once in elemetery school. "Hey girl?" - she responses back to the message. "Hi how are you?" - A message was sent back to her. "Good say what you up to right now?" and she responses back to the message. "Just doin homework hbu?" Casey reads the message that was sent to her. "Just hanging?" she replies back. "Oh that's cool? Who are you hanging out with" the message replies back to her message. "Myself" - "I'm sorry?" the girl responses back with a quick type in her messaging. "So are you afraid of the dark?" she laughs after she reads the message, "No? Are you." The girl responses quickly. "No? Me either" - She responses back to the message. "Then why did you ask me?" - and the message was sent back to her. "Because I want to see you?" after she received that message she gets up off her bed and puts her computer down, and then she was getting afraid of that message and she steps out into the gallery and then down the stairs she reaches the ground level and she goes up to the front door and opens it. And her phone that she had forgotten that was in her shorts pocket went off. "So are you outsisde?" Casey resends a message back to her and waits for a little while. "I don't know I'm I?" she resent a message back to the girl who she thought was the girl who she had forgotten when they grew up. "No seriously where are you?" the message respontant response to her message with a quick nissity. "Look harder?" she replies back to the message, and she walks around side to side of the house but doesn't see anyone.
"This isn't funny where are you?" - the messanger responsed quickly back to Casey. "I see you?" and Casey responses back to the girl. "Will... I don't, so goodbye?" She turns off her phone and walks back inside, and then with a wham the closet door slams open and a ghost smile pops out and comes up from behind her and she turns the body of the figure jumps at her and she flips him over her back.
That white ghostly smile that was spread across his face the mask had a wide smile that showed two fake front teeth, and the figure gets back up and gives chase as Casey tosses a fern bush at the figure and backs him up for few steps and then she grabs hold of the bannisters railing tip and runs up the stairs, and the figure runs up to her from behind, and chases her up the stairs and then the figure lunges at her knicking the back of her leg a little with the knife and the figure takes hold of her wrist and she uses her other hand and knocks the figures head on the wall.
And the figure falls back down the stairs, and Casey reaches the top step and runs back into her room and she gets to her room and closes the door behind her as she tries to lock it but couldn't and she finds a way to seal it shut by using a closet door.
Ghost smile breaks her door in but was stuck as it seemed that didn't see the closet door being there.
Casey turns on her phone, and it was at twenty five percent left of battery life and she looks for a charger, and she then she finds out she plugs her phone in and dials the number but as she did she called the number and the operator picks up.
And ghost smile was gone. And she talks to an officer. "Hello there someone trying to kill me my name is Casey Anne Pierce and I live on Meadow lane and I was being harrassed by someone on my computer, and someone then broke into my house and tried to kill me" - she could hold her tears back any longer and let them stream down her face. "Okay mad'am will send a squad car out there as soon as possible?" she hangs the phone up. As soon the police arrive to her house.
And they found a mask on the front step near the front door, and the deputy who was friends with her father and who is the deputy and lost to his rival for sheriff.
He picks up the mask he looks at it , and it was like looking at a ghost smiling or laughing back at you.

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