

Strange adventures were known to show up on the farm
and this story I tell was the same.
Many cats drank the milk that we left in the barn;
lots of wild ones along with the tame.
This one day we ate supper and then went away,
on the table our dishes still sat.
But a window left open upstairs in our house
must have somehow attracted a cat.
Apparently called all his neighbors to join
for a party right there in our house.
And it seems that the table of leftover food
tasted better than eating a mouse.
We got home late that night, tired and ready for bed,
unprepared when we opened the door.
Flabbergasted we were when we turned on the light,
to see cats on the table and floor.
Then a manic filled panic took over the cats
not a tame one among them we found.
such a chasing and racing and fleeing in fear;
frantic fur-balls were flying around.
It was funny to see, but we felt sorry too,
for the terror we brought to their mind.
We were wide awake now and throughout our big house
every cat we went looking to find.
They were upstairs and down; what a mad clawing mess,
tearing curtains and breaking a light.
Pretty much everything that stood up got knocked down;
left the criminal scene quite a sight.
Through a window one launched; no regard for the screen,
taking it, and the curtain along.
One cat barreled past fast and then came streaking back;
I suppose that his route he thought wrong.
When we got all the windows and doors opened wide,
we soon emptied the cats from our house.
Got a feeling the next time these cats needed food
they decided they’d rather eat mouse!

© Loretta Shively
#cats #farmers #animals