

Game: Chapter 5 - Enter the Madness of Power
16th of June was Isidro's date of birth, as a surprise, he was given a brand-new smartphone by his grandparents. Over time he got used to calling them mother and father. They explained that his biological mother, their daughter, was in deep trouble which is why she handed the responsibility to them. They added that she sought to venture in greener pastures and did not state when to return. Isidro was a bit disappointed yet perplexed with the said explanation, but opted not to bother with asking for it will just lead him to a dead-end or them being clueless also.

In the middle of the country, Jorge was playing video games in his room. His father arrived drunk and continued to wallow in his sorrows with more alcohol inside the study area. He thought what could have happened if he decided to defy the orders of his family since the business is not doing well when he presumed. Even marrying to a social high-born like himself did not do anything and now they are reduced to middle-income earners.

Way up north, the team of the general is analyzing the data's gathered by the application "BETA" in order to weaponize it. They invented a device for human interface enhancement. It took them a day to sift through the large data. Narrowing it down to three gamers who qualified and met their criteria for the "BETA weapon" trial testing. Sadly, these gamers were Isidro, Jorge, and Jaime. On behalf of his acclaimed nephew, Jaime volunteered because of his instinctive gut feel. He senses that something is very fishy about the arrangement plus his nephew was underage. They received a notification via the application that they were chosen for an all expense paid tournament in the capital.

Come the day of the tournament; the gamers were led into a room where on the left side corner was a glass window. It was a viewing room for stakeholders; Jaime recognizes these so-called dignitaries as politicians, socialites, mob bosses and together with them are scientists. He wonders why these people are here when this is just a game tournament. Virtual reality glasses and controllers were given to the players. The things that they will see are also projected on the screen in the viewing room. The target was a rising criminal, a thief who takes from whomever he fancies and is not part of the organization.

The stage was set for everyone, for the players it would be just a tournament while as for the investors this is an exhibition before the bidding of a technological weapon. The organization has set out a team posing as medical responders ones the target is neutralized. They are also in charge in releasing the drones within the perimeter where the target was last spotted. It is equipped with syringe shots that vary from poison to paralytics. The multiple drones were released like bees to attack the creature who disturbs the hive. In the eyes of the players, it was a game, but it was a delight to the stakeholders watching a prey running for its life.

The target was dead on the spot while the whole scenario of having medical personnel fast to aid has been just a drama. The cause of death was also clean because post-mortem autopsy indicates that the victim suffered from multiple insect bites similar to bees. The syringes were taken immediately upon the travel within the makeshift ambulance. The immediate family and friends were not allowed to be in the ambulance and advice to follow to the hospital. The target was declared dead on arrival, thus averting suspicion.

The second face commenced, the army scientist has invented a device to establish a neural link with the drone and many gadgets. The players were injected with anesthesia so that they would not feel the pain and in the state of sleep when the device is attached at the back of their necks. The device only took a second to attach, but the players did not wake up. The general was already furious with the head scientist because the only reason he could give is that the anesthesia is still in effect. Life signs were stable on the monitor, and they are still asleep when the drug should wear off after thirty minutes.

In the heads of the players, they were transported to a place close to the river, and a woman was on the ground laying a picnic feast. She called and instructed them to sit with her because it is a fine day to just relax. Although it was close to a reunion of sorts like any other thing it sure did come to pass. The woman exclaimed that time was short and that the gamers need to pay attention. The water from the river started rising while the ocean blue sky dropping like a waterfall. It formed a very wide-screen just like in cinemas and it showed her life like a documentary.
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