

He didn't replied but was staring floze ..After a while William stood up and said "I think now I have to go to discover the beauty of this place" ... floze calmy said :" If you don't mind can I join you guys because I am little afraid staying here alone". William politely replied "why not! but are you sure you want to come, I mean you are not feeling well "..floze replied:" No, No !I am feeling much better now ". William nods and they both go out side the cabin . The view of forest was same as William told black clouds, fog and beautiful trees .... Jhon joined them both while leaving that place.. In the car Jhon and William talked alot and this insist floze to ask "are you guys Best buddy's and how long are you guys together from" .. William smiled! and Jhon replied 'look we know each other from when we were just 4 years old and now we are 21"."same school same habbits and the most important thing we were neighbors and our moms were kind'a besties ".William laughed and said "besties not at all they were the gossip queens ".. a cute laugh on floze face made William smile ....And all the way to the bank of lake the were talking about their childhood .... After reaching that place floze and those two buddies had alot of fun floze completely had forgotten that she was all alone.....
(To be continued)