

people fall, people rise,people cry,people smile,people loose and people win.As the saying goes "when you connect with people you will have more influence to correct them,when you correct people you will have more effort to connect with them,never let your situation affects what comes out of your mouth,instead let what comes out of your mouth affect your situation" do not let the event of the past affect your future,but let what is going on affect your past and the future in such a way that it will find solution to the problem of the past,present problem and future problem.
For instance when you are offended by a friend and you promise to revenge another person offend you and you promise to retaliate,it will be very hard to success.note that all humiliations comes with blessings,let the situation go far to pave a way for your success in order for you to remember the situation as a part of your success story,later in the future.
Do not do more than yourself,in a sense that don't crown your self when you are not yet to be crowned, anf this it occur on daily basis,among friends and family,stop hailing yourself among others,because everything seem lost in translation butbits always wonderful if we all win together.
know your self worth,you might feel unwanted and unworthy to some people but you ate priceless to another,spend your time with those who value you,no matter how good you are,there will always be that person who criticize you,and do not forget to put smile on peoples face,fashion your impossibility,cloth and design your disability but not with pretense rather look and embrace them with a smile because with a smile you've got hope and with hope you break through will grow. live a life to impress your creator not the creations.


© Tife todun