

Minnie The Little Monster
Hey there, I am Minnie.
If ever you find big strange eyes
staring at you from underneath your bed that will be me, Minnie the monster.
I like dark and hidden places.
I might hide in your wardrobe.
I might hide in your garage.
I can shape shift into whatever I want.
I can be your friend or maybe not.
A friend you can talk to and play with.
A friend you can watch TV with.
A friend you can cook Sunday lunch with or maybe not. I hate cooking!
Above all a friend you can share your sandwich with, I like mine with extra cheese and tomato slices.
I appear during the night time.
I like to play tricks on people.
I might just poke a hole or two in your shoes and untie your shoelaces.
I like to nibble away the hems of your clothes. Aww so yammy yummy.
I like to snore away in the mornings.
I am not a morning person, I get grumpy when I hear loud voices.
Ooh boy would they keep it down already, Ooh it's just the neighbours.
Well, got to go now.
I have people to torment and places to see! Cheerios and Goodbye!

© Miss Brown