

Double Team and Ode to The Queen of Shade
It was the day of the talent show. My brother and I dressed separately. But never practiced.

The buzz around middle school was that we both were going to sing but seperate. At the last moment.. My big brother decided to combine our voices. We were both surprised we had chosen the same song but different variations

The talent show started and I sat viewing. Stage fright gripped me. Then it was our turn.. They closed the curtains and dimmed the lights and as they opened just slightly my brother walked to the right and I walked to the left.. The crowd cheered before we could open our mouths because of the look we gave each other. My hat was my trademark.

He wore black and white and I wore all black. We walked towards each other and turned away from each other at the same time. He went first... And I followed. Standing ovation.

We won. After the performance, he asked how could I do a run like that.. I didn't have an answer because I thought I had cracked on a note but it went perfectly to sound to the ears of no music. We became legends of middle school. UMMS I will never forget you.
© Evone GoddessLegba Payton Banks