

Taking the last sip of my morning 2nd black coffee, I put my pen and notebook along with a recorder and my phone which are the fixed things inside my hand bag. Because I never know which place, which environment may inspire me and the words starts forming beautifully.

I wore my heels and looked myself for the last time infront of the mirror.

Hmphhh finally I am ready.

Ready to go to someone special's home.

No,that person is not my boyfriend.

He is special because for his mysterious story writing.

Yes! Mysterious!!

Lee Wonwoo.

The writer.

Even once there was a controversy among the writers how can he writes such amazing mysterious stories flawlessly.

So I am on my way to know the reason .I like  reading and writing mysterious stories too. I like to know the reasons behind every things in this world. No matter if it is is small or big.

And I felt that everyone's journey of writing, there's a reason hidden behind it.

Someone writes love story, something must be related to love with that person. Someone writes adventurous stories. The person must like adventures and all. Similarly, there must be something mysterious reason behind Mr. Lee's mysterious writing. And I am very curious to know about it.

I am a beginner to the world of writer. It will be great if his words  inspires me.

So Yes I am a writer. I am a bit nervous as I am going to meet him for the first time.

Taking a cab,after 19 minutes, I reach my destination.

With a sigh,I ring the door bell.

"Hello ma'am" A girl around my age,came out with a pretty smile.

Maybe she is the maid. Because I know he lives alone. No wife. No kids.

"Hello. If I am not wrong,this is Mr. Lee Wonwoo's home?"

"Yes ma'am. Please come inside."

"Thank you."

I make my way inside the house.

"Ma'am if you don't mind, can I know your name please? I need to inform Sir."

"Minhee Choi."

"Thank you ma'am. Please make yourself comfortable." She gave me a bow.


She then makes her way towards upstair and knocks one of the room's door and after listening "Come in" she goes inside.

After a few minutes, she comes down and goes straight to the kitchen and not taking so long,she comes back again holding a glass of juice on a tray and  kept on the table. She says  "Please have it ma'am."
She again makes her way to the kitchen.

I lift the glass and drink it slowly slowly observing the door which was knocked by the maid waiting for Mr. Lee.

As I find the door opening a bit, I turn my head forward because I don't want him to catch me looking at his way.

I hear sound of footsteps coming nearer and nearer.

I turn my head to the direction keeping the glass on the table from where the sound is coming just to seems normal. So he is here.

Mr. Lee Wonwoo.

It's a great honor having a view of him exactly infront of me.

I stand up from my seat as a respect.

"Please have your seat Miss Choi." He said politely in his manly deep voice.

Giving him a nod with a nervous smile, I sit back on my seat.

"Ummm Mr. Lee, Myself Minhee Choi . And I am a writer and I-"

"You don't need to introduce yourself Miss Choi. I have read many of your articles on the newspapers, magazines and also your writing page in the twitter. It's great."

"This means a lot Sir. Thanks a lot for reading."

"You are welcome. So what dragged you towards my house."

"So Sir, you are known by many people in this world. Your writings attract everyone. None of your writing flopped. It's always flawless. Your stories make everyone fall in deep thought. The way you write, your writing language, the way you give a twist....are just amazing."

"Thank you Miss Choi."

"So Sir, if you don't mind,will you share how this journey started? I mean there must be something which led you to start writing mysterious stories."

"Miss Choi, I usually don't share any of my personal matter."

"Oh.." So I just came here to listen these words.

What a waste of time!

"But..." He continued enlighting my face.

"But I actually love your article and all so...I will feel happy to share with you."

"T-thanks a lot Sir."

"So shall I start telling?"

"Umm wait a second Sir. Let me take out my materials." I said in a hurry and I start taking out the required materials. My pen,notebook and the recorder.

"So Sir, you can start."
And then I switched on the recorder.
