

10 Ways to become more like Hermione
Ok, honestly who doesn't like Hermione? (Ok, some don't, but oh well) She's incredibly witty, ambitious, kind and brave. Personally, I resemble Hermione quite a bit. Curly, frizzy hair, overlarge teeth, highly witty, love to read books, class topper etc. So, do you want to become like Hermione? Do you want to ace your O.W.L.S? (Or your maths exams?)

Here's ways you can try to be a bit more like Hermione.

1) Read, read, read.

You might think that this is obvious. But if you paid close attention, you will soon find how many students don't read much. There's a question? They use Google and just write it down. This is wrong. Try to get books related to your subjects and read them. Gain knowledge. Also, when you gain knowledge about your school work, do some “Light reading” like Hermione does. Try to read mostly non-fiction books. Can you imagine reading about the rebels and revolutions of your country from a girl's perspective and getting a question about it on your exam and you just know why people they were unhappy? Imagine being praised by your teacher, how you were the only one who could answer this question. Hermione would have been delighted! You may read fictional books to improve your vocabulary which will be just as beneficial!

2) Apply the knowledge.

Like for example, when you read a book, you find the word “trivial”. Get the dictionary and know its meaning, then use this word as many times as you can. You will seem very intelligent if you use good vocabulary!

Another example is mathematics. Whatever you learn, try to apply it in real life. Maybe you just learnt multiplication. When you are buying something, for example, 4 chocolate bars, while waiting to get a cash receipt, try to use multiplication to find the price.

This way, you will put whatever you learn in your long term memory!

3) Talk better.

Stop using words in your sentences like “Uhh... ” , “Erm.. ”. I will tell you later why.

We go back to the end part of 1st point. Use good vocabulary.
For example there are two people
A and B.

A says - “Umm... This is not important”
B says - “Sorry, but this is nothing but trivial!”

If you don't know what trivial is, who will you consider to be smarter than you? A or B? This is only one time and you may not think anything like that. But if you use good vocabulary daily, it'll be clear who has a good vocabulary. Even if you know the meaning of some words, and never use them, what's the use?

4) Don't care about looks.

Don't worry about makeup! You don't need to wear makeup. Personally, I loathe makeup. I apply makeup like 2-3 times a YEAR!!!!! And that clearly isn't much AT ALL! I'm not saying that, never ever wear makeup. Hermione did do makeup, in the Yule Ball. But she never ever wasted time to use Sleekzy's hair potion everyday. “It's too much bother to do everyday” she explained.
Be presentable. Wear plain shirts. Wear sober and ironed clothes. Like for example, wear a full sleeved, ironed, white shirt and a navy blue skirt. Tie your hair in a nice pony tail and add a ribbon. Maybe you can add a simple hairband. Wear white socks and navy blue blazer/coat. This was just an example. You can wear simple, tucked in, ironed shirts. Don't look showy, but look neat! You can look really good with neat clothes. Sometimes, during parties you can wear showy clothes, like Hermione did, in the Yule Ball.

5) Don't pay attention to hate.

Haters WILL hate! That's why they are haters. They have to hate. If someone says something rude, quickly think of a good comeback or just walk away with your nose up in the air. Don't pick up a fight. You want to be like Hermione right? Read these -

Draco: *Insults Ron and Harry*
Hermione: *Comimg from behind* (Suddenly and loudly) Good morning professor Moody!
Draco: *Looks behind being terrified* (Realises that she pranked him)
Hermione: Ferretty little feret you are, Draco.

-Goblet of Fire, by JK Rowling.

“Yes, I'm a mudbood! And proud to be one!”

-Hermione, in a Harry Potter book, JK Rowling. (Don't exactly remember which book)

These lines all show that she didn't make a fool of herself. If she thought she can do this comeback, she does. Otherwise, she storms off. She was confident. Talking of confidence...

6) Be confident!

Yes! Hermione was really confident. Honestly, think, did Hermione frequently used “Umm... ” and “Erm... ”? That's why I said not to use these words in your sentences, before. Using these seems like you aren't confident.
“I'm Hermione Granger. Of course you are Harry Potter. Who are you? ”....“Oh, Ronald, nice to meet you”
-Hermione, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by JKR

Ok, first day at a new school. Knowing nothing which happens there. How many people can you find this confident?

Also, whenever the teacher asks a question in class, she confidently raised her hand as high as she could despite people calling her “Insufferable know it all”.
This is self belief and confidence!

7) Perform well in school and correct people if they are wrong, but politely.

Well, this one is pretty self explanatory.

8) Be kind.

She was kind. Yes she was.
Remember that in the Half Blood Prince, the little girls she helped to pick up their scales? In Prisoners of Azkaban, She helped Hagrid to prepare for hearing of buckbeak even though she was about to burst with work load? These deeds show that she was kind.

9) Stand up to people!

Hermione used to stand up to people. Remember how she said to Umbridge that the things the writer wrote into the book, she didn't agree with? Remember how she stood up for elf rights and started S. P. E. W. ? This mixture of kindness and confidence leads to this. Don't worry, you can do it!

10) Tips -

•Know all the rules and follow them...

...Then suddenly break them!!!

•Respect your teacher and don't be afraid to ask questions!

•Be extremely loyal.

•Remember- Nobody remembers Hermione as a back biter, rumour spreader or one who stupidly jumps into duels.

•Believe yourself. You are the best.

~Bonus tip~

• Don't try to be fully Hermione. These are some tips to gain Hermione's good personality but yours is unique and you will only be a cheap Hermione clone. Take her good habits and apply them to your personality. You'll be even better than Hermione with a good mixture of your good traits and her good traits. Trust yourself.

I just turned 13, so please tell
me if I did anything wrong. Also, if you know something you want to add to this book, please comment. I'll add it here and give you credits.

Thank you so much for reading till here! Hope that you liked this! It took so much of my hardwork, so if you like it, please like this. It doesn't cost you anything and you'll make me very happy. Thank you again! Bye 👋
