

The Light That Went Out
Song - Sorry by Halsey

P.S. I take requests!

"Hey! Jane!" someone was screaming behind me. 

"Who--" I turned to face the person. "Oh, hey, Scott," I said, trying to keep my voice neutral. 

He came running up to me, his usually tidy hair a crow's nest. He slowed down and stopped before me. "Jane, why have you been avoiding me? What did I do?" His grey eyes were sad, confused; and it really killed me to face him like this once more. I had sworn to myself that I wouldn't talk to him, that I was not going to tarnish my rep at school just because of a stupid friendship. No. 

"Nothing, Scott, really," I said, my heart hammering. I looked around, hoping that no one was noticing us. "Look, we can't be seen like this--"

I don't think he heard a single word of what I had just said. "We need to talk," He simply said, and pulled me inside an empty classroom. 

"What the total hell," I muttered to myself, my heart now literally banging against my ribs. 

He know leant on a desk and faced me. "Was it because of that day?" he asked. 

I nodded. "Yes."

"Well, what would be your answer? Yes or no?" 

I looked down. "Look, Scott, we can't be together. We aren't meant to be. It'll be better if you just understand quickly, and we can go our ways..."

He nodded and bit his lips, looking down. "Finish whatever you have to say."

"So what I meant to say is that... We can't talk anymore in school, or pretty much anywhere. I don't love you, and I can't ever pretend to. We should just forget each other." I looked at him, waiting to see how he would take it.

To my utter surprise, he gave a small laugh, and looked up at me, his eyes wild. He flattened his hair on his head. "I guess that's it, then. But before you go, why?"

"What?" I asked. 

His smile faded off, and now he looked totally wild. "Why, Jane, why? Why did you lead me on like that, then?"

"What?" I blurted out. "Lead you on? What do you mean?" 

"Why did you make me feel that you liked me back? Why? Why did you make feel wanted, like we could be together sometime?" he said through gritted teeth. "What was that day, then? Both of us sharing earphones, an umbrella, and if you really cared about your public image, why couldn't you restrict yourself then?"

"I-I'm sorry, Scott but I never meant anything like that! You know I care about you as my friend!"

"No, you don't!" he yelled. "What do you know about me, huh? Nothing!"

"Excuse me?" I said. "I wish you every birthday, and I the silliest stuff about you, like how you still sing Saturday Nights in the shower just because your mom also likes it."

His lips curved as though he was about to smile, but then he frowned again, and now, he seemed more sad than angry. He ran a hand through his hair. "It's ok, then. We go our separate ways and forget that anything actually ever happened between us." He slung his bag over his shoulder without waiting for my reply. "Goodbye, Jane," he said and walked out without so much as a second look at me. 


It's been almost three whole months since we last talked. I try to avoid him as much as possible, not seeing him, but we study in the same school, that's next to impossible. 

We pass by each other a lot, and we pretend that we don't know each other. He seems different now. He looks different. His face is even more paler now, and he looks like he fights all the time, his arms and neck are covered with scars. 

He keeps true to his word, and does not talk to me. I didn't ever want it to go like this. I suspect I have some new admirers now, but I couldn't care less. It was that sparkle in his eye when he looked at me, when we talked. 

What hurts me most is the light that went out, and I hope someone returns it for him again.

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