


He's handsome,
Not smart but crown prince.
Cold but i feel warm from his smile
He never looks at me..
Never talk with me...
Never smile at me...
He's such a bad boi,
Always fight around
Make fun of others
Break rules
Still i like this bad boi

Cuz he never fight with me
Never takes me as a fun.
But always Break the line I made for him
He made me believe  in love,
I start thinking he'll love me just like i do
Laugh secretly when I make a bad joke
Make me blush
Give me butterflies
Ik i Don't deserves him cuz
He was never a bad boi..


She's like angel without wings,
Pure as diamond
And quiet like ocean.
But when she talks
Not any distractions can distract my eyes
when I look at her eyes,
She is my priority-
My heart says.
When she gives me test copy
I found her saying
All the best. (my bad boi)

She never said-I like you,
But she never hide it like I do.
She is that pretty that I can't take off my eyes,
She is that pure that can blend me into her.
I like her-
Now I can't hide this feelings anymore.
She is just a pretty gurl
That can't deserve a bad boi.

MAY 20, 2024
© just_livin9