

She left me again with my fingers typing...(chapterII )
Priya… Oh! She was a brilliant girl. She could easily figure it out that it was Vijay.
“What do you want Vijay?” she asked.
“What the fu**? So you planned it clearly and executed. You are a witch”, he cursed.
“What are you talking about?”
“Oh! You don’t know that? Really? Your fu**ing boyfriend made his way down from 7th floor. Are you clear now?”, he yelled.
Priya was motionless for a while. She couldn’t believe her ears. She asked “What did you say?”
“You dumb ass! Your love is killing my friend. Please get out of his life. Play all your stuff within your bed sheet and not in his life anymore” he yelled crying.
Priya couldn’t control herself. She ran straight away from the mall and looked for a taxi.
“What’s the problem Priya?”, Mr. NRI questioned.
“My friend met with an accident. Can you please help me out?” she feared. He immediately told her to get into his car. She got in without any hesitation. “Can you please drive fast? ”,She urged.
They reached the hospital within minutes. Priya could not see Karthick. Actually she was not allowed to. Surgery was going on. She waited outside while Ram tried to convince her. She was not able to control herself. She saw blood sheds on his body wherever she kissed.
She knew he would feel bad but did not expect this. Of course Karthick is very sensitive pretending to be hard. He was brought up that way.
Ram asked, “What’s going on Priya? Is anything still going on between you both? Why are you so much worried?”. He had lots of questions.
But Priya had just a single answer to reveal, “LOVE, He is my love”, she said. Ram was quite modern but he could not take that a girl he’s gonna marry in few days is still in love with some fucked up ass till date…
“let’s go Priya. This is not working out!”, he pushed.
“am not coming anywhere…will you leave you mom like this struggling for life?”, she yelled.
“what do you mean? Do you still love him? I thought you were out and clear…”, he asked.
“of course I tried…he’s more than father to me”, she cried hugging him.
Ram could accept her now and actually accepted to stay. It’s the nasty fate that whenever we leave our loved ones alone, there will be some shit consoling them! Yeah, Ram had actually got everything he wanted. This is the first time, he sacrificed. Of course he liked her very much. He still stayed there although he hated the nauseating smell of the hospital. He tried to console her hardly where she had slept resting on his shoulders after sometime. Ram could actually feel what she felt like. He tried to comfort her.
Vijay and Ganapathy returned there after making all the arrangements for the surgery. Vijay was furious on seeing her being there.
“what made you come here? He is still alive. You want him dead, right? We’ll inform you…please leave. Oh! Who is he? your bodyguard. Yeah, your new boyfriend. How many days he’s gonna stay? Are your comfortable with his company?…..”, he shouted nonsense.
Priya started crying. Ram said “ mind your words, bro!”
“you father of someone’s child! You are controlling me, scoundrel!”, he replied. Ram could not control himself this time. Both started fighting without considering the place they have met. They started smashing each other. Ganapathy and Priya tried to split them up. Finally Vijay was like, “I anything happens to my friend, nobody lives! Better pray you fucking god…”, he countered and left.
Ganapathy apologized for his behavior. All three waited outside. “ it seems the surgery is almost over”, Ganapathy uttered.
Doctor came out worried. Priya asked, “what happened doctor? Is everything alright? Can we see him? Is he conscious? Tell us something?”
Doctor said, “……..

The phone call was none other than Vijay. He could not stay away from Karthik so long. He apologized for everything and he said, “ heard you’ve finally done it. Am really happy for you man. Let’s meet up. Myself and Ganapathy, we are staying here out. Can you join us tomorrow night.”
Karthik stammered…..
“oh! Come on man, it’s my birthday party…come along!”, he forced.
Finally Karthik managed to say, “ I’ll be there. I could not face you da but still I really missed you shit”, he exclaimed. However he was not so comfortable.
“let’s make everything right, come over!”, Vijay said and hung up.
Karthik actually knew that Vijay was rich and he could make his party big! The next day, he tried to make himself look better. He picked up a white shirt, he had ever loved accompanied with a black overcoat. He made it up a bluish jean. He knew this deadly combo would definitely steal the girls over! He got dressed up and scented him with the perfume that Priya had gifted him.
He got out of the hostel little late, but he did he wontedly. He was not so comfortable to be there very much earlier. He entered into his house filled with balloons and fancy papers. There were poper bursting all around. It actually looked like disco setup. All his friends from college were there already with their girlfriends. There was an anointment of beer shots all over.
Vijay being saturated with surprises had a pleasant surprise for his friend. Karthik actually could not believe his eyes to see Priya over there. Vijay had an invite for her too and he made it to make his friend really happy. And now Karthik was really happy and comfortable. He saw Vijay and hugged him tight.
“bro! Priya is there. Am Vijay”, he smirked.
“you!”, Karthik hit him and hugged him closer. “it’s okay, okay”, Vijay consoled him. Party went on really well and of course Vijay is a Christian and so his parents had arranged for a pastor to some shit over there.
He started his job. He was like, “ Glory to lord Jesus! He’s the true god. He’ll save us from death. He is the only god and no one else. He’ll make your progress in your life. He’ll take us to next and next levels. He protects us from all evils on earth….”, he continued.
Karthik felt, “ he must be the main member of avengers saving us through all these situations.” Actually he had no faith in god, half the Hindus doesn’t…he believed that everything happens only by one’s own virtue. He believed more in his effort and hard work than in work. Actually he was very much offended by pastor’s speech.
The pastor said, “ misleading is eventual. Even Gandhiji has his wrong path, he turned up”. Karthik was like, “ yup, the drunkard! Father of our nation”, he smiled. All of it ended at last and now it was Karthik’s time to show his romance. He needed some private space with Priya.
Priya too was pleased, but Vijay was not allowing them this time.
“Don’t go off, guys! It’s my day. I want all you guys round me this night…”, he pleaded. “yes, we will”, accompanied Karthik .
Vijay had a changeover of his outfit in few minutes washing off all his cake stuff over his face, and now he called over some people closer to him to have this thing…
Yup, it’s ‘TRUTH OR DARE’. Birthday parties will go on even without cakes but never without this shit. They knew all the shit about each other , actually Vijay knew everything about Karthik including his websites those days…
People knew everything but still they’ll be asking, “truth or dare”. They felt that to be making them happy and everyone were used to it.
There formed a round where Vijay was next to Karthik and Priya was opposite to him with some other friends. Ganapathy was fast asleep but this time he’s gone for two to three shots. Probably he would not be awake too early…
The reformer Vijay announced the rules, “flip the bottle, the person the mouth points out will be the target. They started making and it was everyone’s turn and it went on. Priya flipped the bottle and it stopped towards Karthik. He knew what she would be asking.
Priya questioned, “ tell few words about the birthday baby….”, she laughed. Karthik said, “ he’s my friend”.
“oh ! that’s it”, everyone starred…

Doctor was actually tensed thinking of the way to console them.
He said, “nothing to worry! He’s still alive, just alive but unconscious. He could not feel things…”, he stammered.
“what is it doctor?”, Vijay asked.
“ the probability that he would survive is very less. Let’s hope for the best”, he said and left.
Priya was completely broken. “ I have killed him. I am not at all worth it. You stupid! Why did you do that? You could have killed me. I would have been dead happily. Don’t you know how painful it was? What a coward you are? Everytime we fought you would sort out the reason but why nit this time? You idiot!”, she cried.
She knew Karthik’s bond towards love but she just thought he would find the reason however and leave her. She never expected this. “ how would I tell you? How would I change you? How would I convince you?”, she was blabbering around.
Everyone around her was very much confused. They could not understand what was going on. They were not in the position to consider those words.
“don’t act too smart, you bitch! It was you, who killed him. It’s all your love”, Vijay yelled. Suddenly a nurse came out asking them to be quite. Silence was spread for sometime all over the floor. Priya was totally out of her mind. She could not convince herself. She was totally blank. She ran fast out of the hospital. All her memories about Karthik were around her. She could not forget his face. She ran across the road and a truck hit her hard instantly. She was thrown away and she was spot dead…
Ram rushed down searching for her. He could find only her blood all through the pathway. Everything happened within a second. Ram was actionless. Vijay came there and understood what had happened. He saved Ram atleast who was in a shock.
Vijay knew that she was truthful to his friend but he never expected this. Ram was actually blanked out. He could only see Priya lying on the ground dead who was shopping with him few hours before. He was stunned and he still hoped that she could be saved if treated. His sight never got out of her. All his relatives were called including Priya’s parents. Doctor clearly assured that she was no more...

Karthik continued, “ he’s not just my friend; he’s my everything; my wavelength; my first soul in this campus; my secrets; my strength; my weakness; my privacy and so on.
He has sacrificed many things for me what any friend will never do…he is a photocopy of mine filled with love! Even now I haven’t apologized him but still he the Vijay, I have seen those days. Vijay –my moon…making me always bright whenever I go into darkness”, he finished.
Vijay was really touched and filled with tears. Both hugged one another. Everyone were jealous of their friendship. Actually nobody can replace them.
“sorry da”, he kissed him crying. “ you have done nothing. I really missed you…”, said Vijay. Both embrassed each other and all were set. Now it’s Karthik’s turn to flip. He flipped it and it pointed Vijay. But now it was a dare. Karthik asked him to undress pastor. He actually hated him.
Vijay denied initially and finally he accepted. He slowly entered into the room where he was sleeping. He was shocked to see that he was already undressed other than inner wears. Vijay however captured it and sent.
“wrap out the remaining”, Karthik laughed. Priya was actually disgusted saying, “enough, it’s too much.” Karthik didn’t hear her. Now Vijay was on a mission to do with. He put his phone on a video call and tried removing the other. When he was on progress, the pastor suddenly woke up and pulled him inside his bed sheet!
There was a burst out over the gang out there. There could not control it. Vijay returned shattered after sometime.
“are you happy now?”, he cried. The entire crowd laughed out and as time passed on eventually everyone went to sleep. Karthik was well drunk at that time. He was lying next to Priya. He could not sleep however having his future lying in front with sexy blue sleeves and mesmerizing pony tail. He could not take off his eyes from her back.
He gradually tickled her. Priya turned towards him undoubtedly. There was a huge crowd lying all around hence they were bit closer. Karthik could feel her breathe actually.
“you do it intentionally!”, he said.
“what?”, she asked confused.
“seducing me everytime…”, he blushed.
“control, sir!”, she mocked.
He held her hands firmly and asked, “tell me my love! What do you want me to do? Do you have any desires…what do you want me to do in future?”
“never leave my hand at any cause”, she kissed. Then they had certain nasty stuffs and entered into their future plans.
“let’s have two babies…two small Karthiks”, she exclaimed.
“why are so mean? Let’s have 1,2,3 nope…lots of Priya so that I could see you in everyone”, he finished.
“Karthik! We are quite opposite. Why did you like me? Is it only to overtake you friend?”, she questioned.
“I was studying in the college. I saw some random pictures. She was raw and bit cute. I use to see her everyday in the college. She was just my shoulder’s height. She wore a granny glass, she would adjust it everytime to see something. She never sighted boys but just spoke to me. She had lengthy eyebrows, I would fall for. She terribly loved while am not one. She had vermilion strip on her face joining her eyebrows, I would actually die for. She is weak in maths but whenever I see ser she pretends like studying something. She is polite; innocent; caring…I knew she likes her parents very much and I also knew that she’ll never leave her family at any cause. She’ll be a perfect match in my future. Whenever she crossed me, she would wipe out half of my life. Everyday I live with her in dreams at the sites of lonliness. My day is done with her smile and my hunger is done with her looks. She…”, he continued.
“shh! Enough my luv…”, she stopped.
“do you love me more than your mom?”, she asked.
“ I love my mom as no one in this world. I’ve seen my mother only in you, Priya! I could not love anyone more than you”, he answered.
She immediately hugged him before he had finished.
She said, “ I’ll never leave you even if you hate me”, she said. He hugged her even closer. Both were so tight making themselves more intense. Suddenly a light flashed

“it’s all over now. Am really scared. How am I gonna manage Karthik?”, Vijay murmured. Ram returned to consciousness shouting Priya…and he started crying. Doctor tried to convince him and discharge him however.
They had a conversation where Vijay said, “I knew her. Priya loved him heartedly. She never wanted to break up. Why did she do it?”
“we must atleast find it. I still love her. We must find it. Please help me do that!”, Ram pleaded. Priya’s parents could not sort out anything. They could not decide anything. Her sister could not take that her sister was no more. Ganapathy approached them.
“you have brought her up very well, pa. She had never hurted anyone. She had been such a nice friend to people. Kathik is her only mistake”, he consoled..
“she had said us earlier about him. We actually asked her to bring him home someday. We actually wanted to know him. But suddenly one day she said, “it is not gonna happen. He’s not the correct match for me”, we could not figure it out. We accepted. We wanted our daughter to be happy, but…”,Priya’s mother started crying.
Ganapathy was confused but however informed this to Ram and Vijay. By hearing that Vijay wanted to know it as soon as possible. He wanted to know what resisted her. He asked Ganapathy to take care of Karthik and he said that they are gonna find the reason however.
“let’s go home”, Ram urged.
“it’s not the right time. We could not say this to her relatives. We must wait and make it out without bothering them”, Vijay replied.
Ram agreed. When they departed, “please return soon. Karthik will definitely search you”, Ganapathy said and went in.
Now it was like Tom cruise’s movie. They had to find something. They had no clues about it but still they were about. They had no use of it but they had to know what it was…Vijay terribly want to know where he terribly felt that he was one of the reasons for her death at some part of his heart.
Both of them jumped into the house making sure there were no dogs. They never wanted to return without getting it. They jumped in and reached her room directed by Vijay. Vijay had already knew the way to get in as he had helped Karthik to get in many times. He would wait outside everytime.
They got into the room without delay. They had search for something all over the room but it was too dark. Vijay had torchlight with him.
“where do you get all these stuff?”, Ram asked irritated.
“this is so basic bro!”, he replied.
“what the hell should I do now?”, Ram yelled.
“open the second draw over there, you’ll find a light!”, Vijay said.
“ you are just a friend of her, right?”, Ram doubted.
He opened the draw and found a light. He switched it on but there was a light throughout the room.
“switch off the light, you idiot!”, Vijay yelled.
“it’s not working”, Ram said terrified.
“it’s me……..”, said Priya’s father…

© arvind