

what love is
people say that love is just a fairy tail but thats not what i think love is beacuse i have love and its more than just a fairy tail will tell you the first day i found love ok it was one day at school when me and my friends were eating lunch this boy walked up to us and sat down with us and thay were talking to us about how he new me and my friends because he said he new me and we got to now echother beter and we became friends and friends thought we were dating but i said no we wernt we are just friends and then the next day he asked me out and we went on a date and then my friends fund out that we were dating and they would tesse us so much thatit wasnt funny at all eney more so thats how i found love and i didnt fell like a fairy tail it felt real all of my friends have felt love befor but not like i have.