

I was in the lobby waiting for Mr wayne to show up, the court was about to start in 10 minutes, I had called all his numbers and he is not picking up, I even called maria to help locate him, wherever he must have gone to by trying to reach his parents or any of his relatives, but that proved void and soon the court was in session and I was not able to present my client and as such pleaded for postponement and it was ruled in my favour and the court session ended and we were given till Friday to come and present our case.

I went straight to Mr waynes house, knocked on the door several times, he didn’t answer, then I went through the back and the door was opened so I entered, the place was trashed and smelling of something rotten i had to cover my nose with my hands, I called out his name several times but no response, I decided to check the bedroom and when i entered I almost collapsed, I became numb and my eyes widened, my legs trembling at the sight before me, the reason Mr wayne, wasn’t picking his calls was because he was DEAD.

    I ran out quickly trying to dial 911 as my fingers were still trembling, after about 45 minutes, the cops showed up and took me to the station where i gave my statement and was free to go.

I left and went back to the office, when i got in, some of the staffs were waiting for me seems news travel fast and they all were worried asking if I was okay, i told them i was fine, I went to my office and locked the door, still shocked about what I had seen, I have never seen a dead body besides that of my parents, it was strange and I couldn’t get the image out of my head and just as I thought it would trouble me throughout the day, chris called asking if we could have lunch, I needed a distraction so i obliged him and left the office, telling maria to tell whoever ask for me that I went home, and left.

  We went to a different place this time, to a lake for a picnic, as he was holding a picnic basket, and the way he prepared everything was so romantic and I told him about my day, he was sympathetic and worried about me, but i assured him that i am fine.

Soon we were talking about each other, i found out that he is an orphan, that his parents died when he was 2, I also told him that i am an orphan and he said he already knew, again I had another reason to kill Natasha, did she give the guy my full biography or what, he was raised in an orphanage and he jumped from different foster homes.

He got tired one day and ran away, while living on the street he met a man who helped him and trained him on how to mold and soon he became a sculptor, but the man died last year, I felt sorry for him but i decided to change the topic soon we were joking and laughing about random stuff, when it was time to go home.

     He dropped me off, and i invited him in for a drink , he entered and acted like he knew my house, but I just dismissed it and soon we were talking about my childhood while going through my pictures. It was really nice and then I tried to grab a picture from the counter at the same time he reached for it, our hands touched, he held my hands, dropped the picture, looked into my eyes and pressed his lips on mine, it felt like electric running through my body, I could feel myself getting wet by the minute, then he started touching my face down to my back and with one snap he undid my bra and took off both my shirt and bra, it felt like I was under a spell and I could not control my self, he lifted me up and took me to my room, i didn’t even know how he knew the way.

   He laid me on the bed, started kissing me from my feet upward to my thighs, to my waist then he kissed my breast, and pulled my nipple into his mouth, his mouth felt so warm that I supported his head with my hands, pressing his head more into my chest,  he then switched and started sucking on the other nipple, I was aroused that I was already soaked and I could feel his erection growing by the minute, without any warning he stripped off my skirt and pants with one swoop and entered me forcibly, it hurt at first but I was trying to get used to his size, after noticing how i was struggling, he apologized and went slow.

He laid me on the bed, and we had the most amazing sex ever, I could literally swear it, he was so gentle and sweet, giving me several orgasm, after he had reached his orgasm, he cuddled up to me, kissing my neck, and soon i fell asleep on his arms.

Woke up to him coming in the room with what seemed like pancakes, toast and coffee on a tray, wow, breakfast in bed, never would i have imagined that being done for me.

I dashed out to the bathroom not before seeing im giving me a confused look, i smiled and hurriedly brushed my teeth and ran back out, when he saw me, he smiled

"Good morning pretty, how was your night?" He asked whilst tucking a strand of my hair that fell

"It was amazing, best night ever" i replied smiling to which he laughed

"Here, you can eat up while i freshen up"  he said standing up to go to the bathroom, but i held him and gave him a confused look

"Aren't you eating with me" i asked, " no love, i ate already, and i have to leave soon,  i have a meeting i need to get to" he replied kissing my hand

"Fine" i pouted
"Ow come on love, okay, lets have dinner today? What do you say" he asked, looking at me

" I say yes, okay go get ready" i smiled and pushed him, and started eating, he shook his head and entered the bathroom, i finished eating and took the dishes down to the kitchen, washed the dishes and rushed back to the room, only to see a half naked chris, damn those V lines are doing something to my mind, i looked up when i heard him clear his throat, only then did i realise i had been checking him out

"Like what you see love" he said smirking and flexing more, if that was even possible, is it me, or is it hot in here

"Yes, yes i do like" i replied, he shook his head and came to hug me

"Lets make it fair and you, you know, take off your shirt" he said seductively while nibbing on my lower lip, i couldn't form any sentence as my brain decided that was the time to shut down, but i quickly gained my resolved and pushed him back a little

"I ...uhm..a...wil..." i composed myself and answered him, while he kept smirking at me, "Don't worry, you will get your dessert but only after dinner" i winked and headed to the bathroom, as he wolf whistled, i only smiled and walked him, when i closed the door, i collapsed on the floor, damn, what was that, i am known as one of the smartest woman of my time and just one sentence from him and i couldn't even form proper sentence when he's around,God help me

I got up, went to the shower, and freshen up, by the time i was out, chris was nowhere in sight, i called out to him twice, to which i got no response

I walked out to the living room, still he wasnt there, then i walked back in the room to see a note on the nightstand, hmm, how did i miss that..

Sorry had to rush out
missing you already

Will pick you up at 6
Can't wait for my dessert

I smiled and got ready, my thought went to Mr wayne, immediately i called maria and asked her to get in touch with the detective on the case and set up a meeting today.

I stepped out of my apartment and headed to the office, as soon as i walked in, maria approached me and gave me the location and time I would meet up with detective paul as it seems that is the detective on the case.

I thanked her and went to my office, started going through some paper work, till i heard a knock and it was maria reminding me of the meeting i had with detective paul, i excused her and got ready.

Told maria to transfer all my calls to me as i would not be coming back to the office. I entered the cafe at exactly 1:30pm, looked around and saw a, wow, hot guy, waving me over, i composed myself and walked over.

© Erica Ofure