

Adventure the Great
The loud, hollow siren of the ship's horn jolted the sleepy, port town.
She emerged out of the swirling mist like a star making a grand entrance. Only she wasn't a star but a ship that had been missing for the past hundred years arriving at her homeland, the port that saw her being built one by one, all those heavy metal sheets weld and combined in one of the most beautiful shapes of the 80s. The escort tugs all focused on her entrance and berthing marvelously, leading her the way to the berth 12 that was already ready to receive her warmly.
All lines were cast and she safely berthed following the standard inspection of the the vessel and crew when free pratique was granted. All passengers started coming out of board and greeting the friends and relatives that were already at quayside for the warm reception. Hugs, kisses and a lot of...