

Close The Door
Domestic Violence!
Silvia Shared a story of her own about her parents. Both of them are established. Silvia's Mother is a House surgeon And Father is a Civil engineer. Both of them highly educated. Silvia wrote that
Hey Guys! Depression starts with Home. I am only one daughter of my parents. I always showed that Our family is very modern and Happy. I uploaded many photos of us to prove the world that we are happy and my parents showed others that They are best couple. Their marriage was a love marriage. But Reality is black. Last two days, I got attack of my mental abnormality. Depression is main reason. Believe me! whenever I saw my parent's fight...It was horrible. Even They insulted each other for a tiny reason. They don't care about me...They only care about their ego and their own happiness. Whenever They started fight both verbally and physically I just close the door of my room and turned on my Radio. But day by day they crossed their all limit of humanity. Believe me! sometimes my parents got so angry even they attacked me because of their fault. But I avoided everything and close the door.
But I always proved the friends of mine that I had a best family. But it was never truth but I didn't want to show the black reality even my parents taught me to do show off infront of the world.
I just close the door of my room to avoid everything but I failed one day. Because My father tried to kill my mother that day I didn't close the door. But my father look at me and stopped to do that. My mother slapped me for no reasons. one day due to their horrible fight they broked my favorite flower pot. That pot was closed to me because I shared ever of my grief to that pot.
Now I just want to close the door of my horrible journey of life.

© Nadia