

You exist.
You have free will to do whatever it is you want to do.
Life is hard but it has to be otherwise you would get bored.
You need the darkness to experience the light.
You need to feel fear to experience peacefulness.
You need physical pain and the fear of pain to stay alive it’s your body’s way of saying you will damage the temporary vessel which you inhabit.
You have lived many lives and if you so wish will live many more, you can’t have knowledge of this fact because it would spoil the ride
Life is the greatest movie it has joy, tragedy, excitement, horror, action, romance, mystery, and you are in the lead role.
Fear nothing you have no need to feel guilty for lack of accomplishment, you are not here for anything other than the experience, if you learn and grow along the way then that is wonderful but what you don’t learn in this life you can learn in future lifetimes.
Remember you are beautiful, we all are.
© LoneAlien