

By foster

Dogie style yeah, that’s Alvin’s best sex style, from the first day he had sex with Bella he had thought her the style.

Bella is Alvin’s girlfriend, she so cherished him to the extent she speaks about him often.

Bella sat quietly thinking about Alvin, she thought about few weeks before when she payed him a visit. She had been dating Alvin for two months but few weeks ago the relationship grew stronger.

On a Sunday evening when Bella was smuggling close to Alvin as they watch television after an afternoon of tennis. Both felt relaxed and happy.

Bella and Alvin are very fond of each other, Alvin kissed Bella she responded eagerly, he slipped his hands under her blouse and his kiss became more intensely.

She tried to act as a bad girl, she kissed him wetly, he proved her actions as a mere baby in the game. He kissed her neck wnd chest while she groaned silently.

She breath fast, Alvin understood her body’s yawn for sex, he pulled her head to his d--k, Bella felt irritated but she took a trial to please HER DARLING BOYFRIEND…

Alvin and Bella displayed the sixty-nine (69) sex position, Alvin sucking Bella’s c------s while Bella sucking Alvin d--k.He was not satisfied of the sucking, he wants his dogie style, he ask Bella to step down the cushion, he ordered her to stay in a pause crawling position, she got confused but obeyed him.

She had never had sex before, she is dull in aspect of knowing about sex, all she wants to do is to please Alvin her darling boyfriend. She stayed in the pause crawling position, he insert his d--k in and out of her, she groaned.

Ever since Alvin has been dating Bella he had been fingering her because she told him she was a virgin, she finally gave it to him. He deflowered her, she felt happy believing she has gotten Alvin’s heart “he will love me more than ever ” she thought to herself.

Alvin’s is a young black handsome American of twenty five years old, he works at Bella’s father’s refinery as a manager.

Bella has sighted him on her visit to the refinery after her service. She fell in love with him at first sight, she went ahead and confessed her love to him. Alvin also have cramps for her, he did not give it a thought before accepting her.

Alvin lives in a single room before he started dating Bella but Bella furnished his life, she rented an a flat for him and bought a car out of her savings.

She always takes care of his food stuff and do the cooking. Despite being rich with many maids and laundry men Bella’s mother still performed the duty of teaching Bella home chores.

Bella is a twenty two year old girl, she is a schooled at USA. She is also a beautiful damsel, during her outings with Alvin people marvel at their perfect out look which makes the both blush.
Bella is pretty stubborn because of Alvin, she doesn’t like hearing any I’ll words spoken about him, she doesn’t know how to fight but she can fight for the sake of Alvin…

Several times she’d disobey her parents inorder to make it up to him, she doesn’t want to hurt him by any means.

She loves everything about him and wishes to spend the rest of her life with him.

🌟 Hope it works out well for her, I wish her good luck 😂😂😂

To be continued