

Quarantine Diaries {Episode 8-9}
Episode 8*

Bill had been quiet on the issue for almost a week waiting for Bella to come up with an explanation, but she wasn't coming forth.
Whereas Louis had been begging Mina for the past 7 days trying to explain what caused it.

Mina has still not recovered from the trauma and anytime she recalls what she saw at the hotel, tears with start rolling down from her chicks.

Louis had rejected Bella's calls for the past 6 days. he picked it on the 7th day.

On phone

Bella: Hi, u know I'm sorry for all that happened. I'm very sorry for the conduct of my husband, i didn't know much about the whole scenario.

Louis: Bella I should be apologizing here. I've since rejected ur calls, perhaps! I can't stand the shame I've caused u and myself. I barely eat these days. My home is disorganized, my wife is yet to recover from the trauma and it has been hell for me. I've not eaten since morning. I've being begging her all day but all she does is cry.

Bella: Hmmmm, my husband has been quiet and calm as tho nothing happened, but I'm not too bothered about that. I want your home to stabilize so u can be happy with your family once again. I can sort myself out. Don't think about me that much.

Louis: Are u sure? U mean he has not said a word for the past 6 days? It's really strange, he might have a plan. I think u should start apologising to him, he might find a reason to forgive u.

Bella: Louis, I told u not to bother about me that much, I can handle it. Let's see to how u can restore happiness in your home.

Louis : well, I'll get back to u soon. Let me prepare what Mina will eat.

Bella: OK, just keep showing her love and attention it may work. Find a convincing explanation to tell her. Let's see what happens kk.

Louis: I've been trying, but let's see what happens. later then.

*That evening*

Bill: Babe, I'm just coming from the dinning table and there's no food. Can u serve me pls, I'm hungry.

Bella: I'm sick, and since u have refused to know how I'm faring for the past 6 days how will u know I can't cook?
Well I couldn't cook and I'm hungry as well. I was waiting fot u to come so we should think of what to eat.

Bill: For real? Bella, upon all that happened , between i and u. I've been mute about iy, u still got the guts to tell me those gibberish words..............I refused to check up on u??
Should I ask u why u did it before u give me an explanation??

Bella: Bill, what did I do? What did u see me doing? Tell me what explanation u need so I'll give u.

Bill: Bella, so u saw nothing wrong with what u did?

Bella: Bill, why should u inform my parents u saw me with another man. Should u tell my parents whatever is going on in our home?
How did my parent know about this?

Bill: U ignored your mum when she tried talking to u about your actions, u told your dad to excuse you when he tried advising u, how will u know how they got to know about your doings?
Is that why u have been unconcerned all this while?
That's what u want to defend yourself with right??

Bella: Among the four of us, who on earth would have informed my parents if is not u? Are u telling me u didn't tell my parents about this, are u saying u are not the one?

Bill: Bella, I didn't call your parents to report u to ur mum or dad. If u want to know how they knew u should have listened to them.

Bella: Bill, I'm not ready for this right now. I'm not feeling fine and I need some food and rest.

Bill: Well I don't think we can get food from anywhere by this time. Manage something from the fridge, I'll sort myself out.
*Quarantine Diaries*

*Episode 9*

Bill calls Mina

*On phone*

Bill: Hi Mina, how are u? How do u feel now?

Mina: Bill, I'm deeply hurt, I've been crying all this while. I don't know what to do. I'm so confused, I've been having heart burns anytime I remember the scene at the hotel. Seriously I need someone to talk to.

Bill: Take it easy dear, I know how u feel but don't hurt yourself after he has hurt u. What has he said so far?

Mina: I've not paid attention to him Bill, what else does he have to say. He has been apologizing all this while with stories that he was having a deal with your wife to get something done for him so they met at the hotel for that business. But u and I know it's a lie Bill.

Bill: Well, at least he has been trying to convince u, perhaps he has regretted his actions, that's good. At least he is showing remorse.

Mina: What do u mean? What's happening in your home? Has she said anything yet?

Bill: Sighs.... Mina, for the past 6 days Bella has not uttered a word to me in this house neither has she shown any remorse for her actions. She refused to prepare me dinner last night when I complained she rather blamed me for not checking up on her and telling her parents about what happened.

Mina: Bill, u don't mean it!!

Bill: I'm telling u the truth. She is still in bed as we speak. That has been her normal routine. She wakes up after 10am after what happened.

Mina: Are u sure everything was alright between u both before this happened?

Bill: Of course yes, I did nothing wrong to her.

Mina: Hmmm, I think u should take heart and pls don't stretch your hands on her matter. how irritating her actions become kk. Just take heart.

Bill: Don't worry dear, we will get over this. Just wanted to check up on u. We will talk some other time kk. Take care.

*Later that day*

Bella's dad (Mr. Kim) called Bill.

*On phone*

Mr. Kim: How are u my son?

Bill: I'm fine dad. Hope u are fine with the family as well?

Mr. Kim: By God's grace we are doing well. Eeerm, my son, first of all I'd like to apologize on my daughter's behalf for what she has done. It's a disgrace to the family and I've not been myself all this while. What hurts me more is she has refused to hear from any of us. I don't know if she thinks we informed u of her whereabouts. But frankly speaking my son we didn't know she was up to something like that. Nobody was aware of her whereabouts. All we knew was she was on her way to her matrimonial home. So we were just expecting her call to inform us that she has arrived safely due to the fear of the lock down. So my son just take heart and exercise patient..

Bill: Dad, I understand how u feel, but I just couldn't hold it anymore that's why I wanted you and mum to know what I've been going through. It hurts to know this is what my wife does in my absence, and as we speak she has shown absolutely no regrets to what she has done. But all the same I'll keep calm and handle it as a family issue, but when it exceeds me I'd have no option than to involve you.

Mr. Kim: Thank u very much my son, just exercise patience, we will find time and come after the lockdown to meet u both. Anyways can u give me details of the man she was doing that with?

Bill: Sure dad.

Mr. Kim : OK, then send it to me on whatsapp, I'll will tell one of the children open it for me on the phone.

Bill:Ok dad.

Bill sends info of Louis to Mr. Kim shortly after the call.

Moments later, Bella goes to the washroom to vomit.

Bill: U have been showing signs of pregnancy for past week, I've been expecting you to tell me something but u have remained silent. Can u deny u are not pregnant??

Bella: Bill, I am not ready for your trouble this morning at all. If u care about me, u should know the appropriate manner to ask your wife what's wrong with her. Since I told u I'm sick, what have u done about it?

Bill: Bella, has it got to this? Don't u know the implications of what u are doing?

Bella: Pls, let me be. Since u don't care about me I'll sort myself out. She walks out on Bill.

Bella's phone rings on the bed, Bill checked and it was Louis. He calls Bella to come for her phone.

*On phone*

Bella: Hi, how are u doing? How is your wife's condition now, and the home?

Louis: It's been tough Bella, really tough. I don't know, but she seems to have monitored me for long. Because from the way she talks she seems to have known about us for a while before the incident.

Bella: Hmmm, I really don't know how she got to know Bill and how they managed to track us to that extent. It really baffles my imagination. It got me thinking all this while. And I'm not cool with him so I can't ask him either, I've not picked my dad's call for the past week likewise my mom.

Louis: U need to pick up, they might say something vital.

Bella: I can't bare the shame I've brought to the family dear. How do I explain myself to this retired soldier I called a father. So I've just ignored their calls for a while to figure something out.

Louis: That reminds me, the other time I called u when I was home, u remember I mentioned your full name?

Bella: Yh, the afternoon.

Louis : Sure, my mum asked me who was baring that surname but I told her she doesn't know u.

Bella: Really, anyway that's not the problem now. So are u seeing any improvement in her actions?

Louis: Not really, she has been rejecting me all this while. The only thing she does is cook for me and tidy up the house. I had to use the laundry myself yesterday, I couldn't find the pecks to hold my clothes on the line but I couldn't ask her either. The wind blew them and I had to wash them again. Dear, it hasn't been easy at all.

Bella: Hmmm, it shall be well. Let's talk some other time. Keep trying.

Louis: What about your husband?

Bella: He has been trying to raise it but I find ways to ignore cos I'm in a serious mess right now. Let's talk later bye.