

The Tales of Sherlock Winters.
#beat the odds# writer
In the dark and cold days in Nothern England, sherlock winters rose from his bed and out the cottage,the day had broken,he freshened up and went to the farm.
As he got to the farm,he heard a deep voice,the voice of his boss,he greeted his boss and set out to continue working,just then his boss called him and told him that he was going to send him on an errand.
Frightened, Sherlock asked "what is the errand master"
The master cried and said "Tommorow,you shall go to southern England and take my daughter with you for my enemies have come to take her away from me"
Sherlock was shocked and wanted to reject the errand but when he thought of it,he felt sorry for his boss and agreed,so early the next day,his boss gave hin the sum of £7600.so sherlock and his boss' daughter set out to southern England.

chapter 2: The journey to southern England .

Early the next day,Sherlock and his boss' daughter set out to southern England,A journey of 3 hours.
The name of Sherlock's boss' daughter was Mary and she was very timid in nature. So in the train, Sherlock asked her well-being and she timdly said"I'm fine" but Sherlock noticed tears in her eyes and he immediately knew why.
She was only 18 and had to leave her father,all because of the village head who wanted to make her his wife.
A few hours later ,They arrived at southern England.
Sherlock booked a room in a hotel for himself and Mary,whick cost £599 per week, so while Mary was in the hotel ,he was looking for a house and a job.
One day,while Sherlock was looking for a house to rent, he saw a "to let" bungalow and he was happy, he met with the owner and negotiated for the price of the 2_bedroomed bungalow.
at last they reached a conclusion of £799 per month.
So,he and Mary moved in,and a new life started between the two of them.

chapter 3: The search for a job

So, a week later, sherlock went in search for a job and couldn't get one,so he sat down on the floor ,thinking of a way to provide for himself and Mary, just then,A man approached him and introduced himself to him, he said "My name is john Smith " ,then Sherlock looked up and answered "I'm Sherlock Winters "
the both of them discussed about it and became good friends,Sherlock told him about his problem and john helped him in getting a job as a senior farmer in a popular farm.
John and Sherlock became good friends over time and shared everything with each other. Mary and sherlock became closer and fell in love.they then proceeded to getting married and lived a comfortable life.
A new life began for John, Sherlock and Mary.

Chapter 4:
A FEW years later, Sherlock and Mary gave birth to a baby girl, which they named Lucia.
Lucia grew up to be a very beautiful and well mannered girl.
8 years had past and john and sherlock were still friends,Although john was older than sherlock,they were still very good friends. John was 32 years while Sherlock was 30 years old and Mary was 26.
So,one day, Mary,Sherlock ,Lucia and john decided to go on a trip to an island in southern England,where they spent 5 days, on the 6th day when they were about to leave, There was a problem. Lucia was missing.
A terrible shock came upon the three of them when they couldn't find Lucia.
they searched for hours and couldn't find her.
Mary was scared to death and thought that Lucia had drowned but john and sherlock calmed her down.
the search took days but they still couldn't find her , so Sherlock ,john and Mary formed a search team and prepared themselves for whatever danger was coming. Sherlock made three weapons(a sword,from steel he had found by the shore, a bow and arrow and an axe)
he took the axe , john took the sword and Mary took the bow and arrow.
After Mary had learnt how to use the bow and arrow well,they set out for searching. They took along with them
torches, and daggers and the search for Lucia began

Chapter 5: The search for Lucia

After they arranged their weapons .
they waited one more night , they prayed and they took one bag each and put 6 roasted fishes and bread each and 3 gourds of water each.
It took them days to get to the other side of the island.
They finally got to the other side and saw a hill . They decided to climb up the hill and search but as they got Midway they saw a tunnel right at the middle.
So ,they went into the tunnel and searched it.

part 2 'coming soon