Gynecomastia is the enlargement of the breast in mens, It is important to how to Detect Gynecomastia so that it can be prevented on time.
In many cases it does not disappear on their own therefore early detection will enable the sufferer to seek help..
Gynecomastia includes growth of a small lumps under the nipple region commonly linked with some pain and softness or hardness of area. Once the symptom shows up, it is advisable to consult a skin doctor for proper medical diagnosis.
The visible signs of Gynecomastia are-
lumps under the nipple region, the breast developed abnormally and also the breasts becomes soft. In chronic issues, the various grades of skin ulcer and sometimes nipple discharges may be seen. The enlargement of disk-shaped tissue just beneath the nipple may be seen which is sometimes painful when touched.
Many people have a misunderstanding of having gyno when they are fat.. discomfort of this area often leads to itching..
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