

Losing Prince, the prince of my heart
Today was the day I finally got a puppy! I had waited all my life for this moment. As we entered the petshop the sound of bubbling filters greeted me. The fish were bright colours and lively, I liked them but I hurried on to look for the perfect puppy! Mum found the puppies. They were behind a cage, I couldn't undo the latch so mum did it for me. I hurried in and found myself being drowned in puppy love. I started looking at all the puppies, they were all so cute. I set my eyes on a tiny puppy curled up in the corner. I walked over and knelt next to it, I saw its blue collar and knew it was a boy. He was gorgeous, with diamond blue eyes and the softest little paws complete with a button pink nose. I had just found my perfect puppy. I patted his little head and he licked my fingers. I scooped him up and ran to show mum. Mum agreed he was cute but she thought he was weak and unhealthy so she second guessed him. Now that my heart was set on this little prince of my heart I wouldn't let him go. Mum could sense my stubborn attitude arising and sighed. "Fine," she huffed and walked off to get the petshop lady. The petshop lady came over, she had a sweet face and a stubby nose. Her smile drooped a little when she saw the puppy I was holding. "This puppy is weak," she said "maybe you should get a different one?" she shrugged. No way! This was my puppy and to prove my point I shook my head. "This is Prince and he is my puppy," I said. He was a little prince, the prince of my heart. He won me over with just one look into his sparkly eyes. The petshop lady smiled, though I could tell she wasn't so keen on the decision. She scooped up the puppy and placed him in a pet carrier. While mum payed and arranged the necessary items I held his carrier. I stuck my fingers through the bars and let him lick them. When we got home I left him in his pen while I went and had lunch. When I came back I experienced heartbreak and great pain. Prince was dead. His little body was lifeless and his eyes had lost their twinkle as they stared into nowhere. I cried and called for mum. Nevet again had I gotten another dog in my twenty two years of living. I don't want to have to feel the pain all over again.