

Grandma's Advise
Catie was a sickly 9-year-old Little girl who had lost her left arm in a car accident when she was very young. She lives with her parents and her elder brother in a small town called PhynLand.
Though she had some tragedies in her life she never complain about losing her arm.
"It's fine, I can walk and run. As for my hands, I may need your help" she will always say those words cheerfully to her parents and to those who ask about how hard her life can be.
"What a Brave girl, God Bless you", " That's the spirit", " I will always be there for you", such replies she will receive.
Still young she never knew how to reply when people pitied her, She will just smile, or Clear tears will form in her innocent eye blurring her vision. She felt helpless whenever people keep talking about her hand. However, one summer when she visits her Grandma whom she loves dearly, advises and taught her how to reply to people when they ask about her missing hand.
"You see Titi," her grandma said patting her head as they seat outside on the veranda taking a warm sunbath, "Your
Misfortune is your guide to a better place, If we never had misfortunes we will never know to get better, Don't you agree Titi !?" her grandma said smiling calling Catie's nickname.
"Grandma! I Don't Understand" Catie replied innocently wanting to know the meaning her grandma spoke of.
"Oh... Titi dear, Ok so do you remember that Newlywed couple who were your neighbor for a few periods!?..."
"Oh... Grany are you talking about Mr. Toom and his wife whose house caught fire!" Catie let out excitedly.
"Yes, So dear where are they now!?" Her Grandma asked hoping Catie knows the answer.
"Mom said they went to a better place, a house much better and bigger than the one which was burned down," Catie said exactly what her mother said to her when she ask about Mr. Toom and his Wife and even trying to sound like her mother, at which her Grandma smiled.
"So, You see they had some misfortune but they are in a much better place now, right!?" Her Grandma asked.
"Oh right, so that's what you meant," Catie said thoughtfully still trying to fully understand, however, got distracted when another thought popped up.
"And!.. Grandma, you know I gave my little piggy pot to our Mayor Mr. Couty who was collecting donations to help Mr. Tom and his Wife. Mr. Couty said he was so proud of me and gave me a Gold Star badge of kindness" Catie said heartily showing the Golden badge to her grandma which was hidden under her sweater.
"Wow... it's shiny, and some words are crafted on it...Ki..n. I can't see properly." Her Grandma said trying to read the words on the badge and rubbing the words as she feel the shape of the words.
"Grandma it says 'Kindest Heart' my very first good deed badge," Catie said taking the badge from her Grandma and hugging it.
"Oh... Titi you deserve it, you deserve it my child" her Grandma said kissing Katie's head and patting it softly, fresh tears getting clearer in her weak eyes. She blink immediately and smiled not wanting to cry at this happy moment.
"Thank you, Grandma, I will do more good deeds and the second badge I received I will give to you," Catie said decidedly hoping Mr. Couty visits to collect her little piggy pot again.
"Haha... that's so sweet of you dear, but I don't think I deserve it," her grandma said playfully.
" That's not true! Grandma, you deserve it more than me. If you were in our town you will be having lots of badges from Mr. Couty by now" Catie mumbled thoughtfully.
"And how is that!?" her Grandma asked curiously.
" Because you always help Mom and Dad when they are in trouble. You even help Grandpa give up drinking for which you deserve two badges. And most importantly you never bother about my missing hand you act like it's there... and...(hiccup) and when I am with you... (I forget my hand was missing" Catie said about to cry.
"Oh... My dear Titi comes here" her grandma warmly embrace Catie, " You are a survivor and I am proud of you, and you should be proud of yourself too" her grandma said lovingly patting Catie's head, Catie just nodded her head, her face hidden under her Grandma's arms.
"You don't have to be perfect to be good, it's a choice, If you choose goodness always no matter what you are or what you have become you will never regret" her grandma advised her hoping Catie understood what she said.
"And dear..." her grandma said holding up Catie's face towards her view, " When someone asks about your hand!... say to them,' I am fine, I have my right hand, two legs to help, as for my left hands at times I may need your help say that and you will never regret to hear people's reply," her Grandma said smiling.
"Grandma thank you so much for helping and supporting me, I will not let you or my mom and dad or grandpa down...I Pinky Promise" Catie cried out making the pinky promise with her Grandma. With that promise, Catie always survived the worse and continued living cheerfully.
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