

her person
She came in the room all gloomy. She looked super happy outside but inside she was sad, very sad, she felt her throat tied with a tight rope. Unable to cry, unable to speak. But she did her best in pretending to be okay. All her friends came up speaking normally. Well it wasn't obvious that she was sad. Then he came. "What happened hon?" is all he asked. Her eyes teared up, she wanted to cry her heart out. But she kept her feelings inside and just gave the most realest fake smile. Either ways, what can he do knowing her problems was what she thought. As she proceeded to walk away, he grabbed her hand and without saying a word hugged her tight. Her head against his chest and his arms wrapped around her like a cozy blanket. "There might not be much as to what I can do knowing your problem but atleast you'll have someone to share your problem, share your pain". That's when she knew it was safe to cry around him. She cried, and smiled in the end, for she knew exactly what she wanted, who she needed.
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