

Jerome is the only child of miss Salome,Jerome never knew his father,his whole life was filled by his mother,but he never liked his mother that much,he was uncomfortable to publically show her mother,miss Salome never liked her son's behaviour because it was painful in her heart,the reason why Jerome never get comfortable to publically be with her mother was because of her scary face filled with a deep wound scar on one side of her face..Things went that way but miss Salome never care much she thought Jerome was still a kid when he grew up he will be kind to her one day..due to salome's efforts and God's grace Jerome got a good job,a beautiful wife and awesome kids.But before he got married and have kids soon after Jerome got job, he abandoned his own mother, Salome search everywhere to find her son.One day Jerome's gate was knocked and his little child went to open the gate she saw the scary face of miss Salome and the kid started crying with fear,Jerome and his wife came out to find out why the kid is crying,Jerome's wife was shocked after she saw miss Salome's face cause she never knew her mother in law, Jerome was shocked too after seeing his mother's face but miss Salome was very happy to see her son again,and she started saying:
missSalome:my dear son,why did u hide from mom all these years
Jerome's wife:u have a mother??
Jerome: what is this woman saying!hey old woman get out of my house are u crazy me having a mother like u!! hell no, not even a relative who look like u.
Jerome's wife : hey you are being too mean if u don't know her just let her go .Salome was heavilyhurt she decided to go away ,Jerome never cared.three days later Jerome received a letter with his mother picture inside ,He didn't want to read it ,his wife decided to read for him the letter was

"My dear son,Jerome.
I am in pain RightNow because even my only hope in this world don't want me anymore ,u were my only hope dear son since after your dad refused to see me because of you being there in my womb and my relatives too refused me but I kept the promise to my self that I will never abort you no matter what i hustled and if u hated me because of this scar on my face dear one it was because of you,one day u was sick sudeenly when u were about 1year of age,I left u in the house under the guidance of my fellow tenant ,and I rushed to the nearby pharmacy to buy you a medicine but when I came back the whole home was on fire ,people were standing outside the house with their families while others crying for their properties ,but the first thing on my mind was u ,I asked that tenant ,she told me she was busy saving her children's lives I runned in inside the house and find u safe without any damage I thank God and I carried u and I put my whole body as cover of u just for my son to be safe I didn't care what will be the effect as long as u were safe I was really blessed but now u don't want to see me even u my hope am really disappointed ,I didn't want to tell u this story Early because I didnt want u to feel guilty but it seem u really need to know,for me I don't have many things to say again cause after I finish to write this letter and give it to a person to give u ,IAM going to take out this breath I have coz I believe if I beared the pain of being rejected by my loved ones I can bear hell's fire.i love you my son Jerome so much ".Jerome cried and he did tell his wife the whole truth...poor Jerome lived his whole life with regrets and sorrows..... .

Lesson in this story is that never underestimate your mother you have no Idea of sacrifices she made for u.

© niftyEsther