

Mr Most Desired 😜
He was there before even light separated day and night on Earth 😜
He's young and sexy 😜
He's of a very pale skin 😉
He's with low confidence though 😔 why would he try to take all credit for the subway in the wonderful city of Wisdom 😜
In the next 50 years he will be considered semi god,don't you know Mr Essessov even made Merkel fall in love 😜 (whole Germany knows for 30 years so far she's a resident of island Lesbos)
The name of this nephilim is BoyCo because logic has given a boycott when this grandeur of a brain was into life brought!
There could only be love for this brave man who was never ,oh heavens forbid,he was never a criminal 😔
How is it possible so much beauty and brains in one person dwell in consent?! 😲😲😲😲😲
It's a shame... It's a pity.... A man of dignity like him will history never repeat 😭
We understand each other so well ,because I am intelligent 🙂,and you all are as well🙂,he once said .... he's even a poet,he said a woman from Kārdzhali was a smart piece of art... no sarcasm here,just plain truths 🙂
He has gold...no,not a heart of gold,simply gold all over his fabulous home,some 50 years ago he had decided
One day I'mma be filthy rich 😏
And I will be most desired by all women 😏 (maybe old ones like my mother or grandgrandmothers 😜)
For people like him there's even a proverb
You spit on him he thinks rain is all over him 😉
He's hilarious not because he's funny,he himself is the joke of human kind....
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