

Locked up
"Locked up"

Yemi knocked severally on the entrance door to Mrs Bob's apartment but there was no response, she gently opened the door and walked in, she called out Mrs Bob but no reply, she thought of leaving, later she would come back, she picked up her hand bag from where she dropped it and reached for the door, she tried unlocking it but it wouldn't open "what's going on⁉️"she said to herself fearfully, she also tried breaking out but no way!.
    Yemi located the kitchen to get a knife🔪 to unlock the door, The kitchen was quit gorgeous with a little two sitter dinning table and on it was an already cooked meal covered and,a glass of wine 🍷, Yemi opened the plate in it was coconut rice along side fried chicken, she didn't fall for it, she had no appetite all she thought of was how to get out of the house,she sited a utility,vegetable,salmon and cutlery knifes and kitchen axe  piled up in a basin like it was washed and kept not long ago, she took the utility knife, she heard a heavy metallic sound from the living room and dropped the knife in fear 😱, she bent down to pick it up and to her greatest surprise by the corner of the kitchen cabinet she saw bloody finger prints on the wall "Jesus "she screamed in fright breathing in and out trying to calm herself down, she picked up the knife and ran straight to the living room to unlock the door, she tried very hard but it wouldn't just open, she tried again this time around she cut herself and threw the knife away out of frustration weeping badly "why did i come here in the first place, i should have declined Mrs Bob invitation, after all she will only sack me "she said to herself holding her hand in pain walking back to the kitchen to wash off the blood on her hands
     Yemi turned on the tap and saw blood running out instead of water "what😦?!  No!...... no! ... I have to phone someone..... Stella...yes Stella, she ran back to the living room to get her mobile phone from her hand bag "Ohhhhh! No network what kind of a place is this,The network 📶 is completely blank and how come my battery🔋ran down soo fast "she said to herself.
    Yemi saw a phone charger plugged to a sucket close to the television so she went close to charge her phone then Boom! the power went off, Yemi was so pissed off and frustrated 😠, then she started screaming 😱 on top of her voice but no one came to her rescue,she decided to walk upstairs, she tried unlocking several rooms but they were all locked up, but a room was left and it was half opened, she then went in, she couldn't believe her eyes with what she saw...........
Watch out for Part 2