

Stumbling Away
This was part of a draft for something I wrote about forced sexual intentions and abuse. However it doesn't include too much mention of this, so I thought I would give somebackstory as to what happened in this story. I hope you enjoy.

I stumbled across the newly painted streets, my shoes dragging across the gravel, barely able to keep my body upright. I tripped over my own feet, almost dropping my backpack, just trying to reach it home, not knowing where I was going. The men who had made this happen far behind me, they probably still didn't realize I was gone. They were too caught up in drinking the booze themselves instead of force-feeding it to me. And now the alcohol was really starting to kick in, I felt like I was going to barf on the city sidewalk. But yet I staggered on, thinking about the coat left at the men's house, my new winter coat. It was cold, but not quite snowing, giving me the opportunity to reach my neighborhood off of a small intersection. Approaching my front door, I began to attempt to unlock it with the keys that had become cold to the touch in the winter air, before finally unlocking the door.
© EmmaCampbellc