

Dear Katelynn
See Katelynn you might not know me but I am your blood father I'll even get a DNA test to prove it an on the off chance that this is ever gonna find you let dady tell you his side of the story let's go back a little bit in time sweetie
Back when I first meet your ammazing mother the sparkle of my eye the second queen of my life an if your wondering Kaitlyn your the #1Queen Of my life i was Just turning 18.
When I first Meet your mother an she was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen next to you my precious daughter which we made you later an may I say your the best darn thang I have ever made the best thang to ever come outa me an the best darn thang I can ever make I can't top it your magnificent period I love you more than you could ever know or believe
I'll never regret you or your mother not in a million years I'm always ganna be proud I made you my precious daughtor I love you an your mother regardless of the steady Emotional agony from not being a part of your life Kaitlyn if you ever find yourself reading this daddy's sorry I should have done better bye your moma an you but I won't you to know there's not a second that goes bye that I dont wish to be a apart of your life I pray ever night for a second chance to be with you an I've said the same prayer for years I've said that prayer every night since your moma told me I couldn't be apart of your life but you can't blame her I'm half to blame 2 an heres how I meet your mother one of the proudest moments of my life I was
At my Moma friends house
You know we was justa kicking it drinking beers Hanging Then I saw her Love at first sight I was caught in her head lights like a deer
I should've treated her better I should have held her near an dear
If I did I would be with your mother the love of my life an be with you my precious daughter
You see I dinint treat her right so she left me she told me own the phone while she was breaking up with me that I was to unfit to be dady an I could never see you that moment truth be told the pain from the thought of the fear of Never getting to be a father 2 you or even see you an the loss of the love of my life your moma at the same time it was so tragically unbearable I took 8 bottles of pills heart medication an every thang I dinint care i was just stupidly trying to end it the amount of Emotional pain & heartache I just couldn't handle it still can't still burns agony thrue my flesh an soul that was the first suicide attempt with many more to follow but we'll get to  just keep reading my story I mean you my precious daughter an anyone else who would care to read do you have any earlthy idea how much emotional pain I'm in from years without the best part of me you my precious Daughter your my everything I mean really your my fleshing blood lil girl your the best part of me I'm just really  hoping the good lord shows mercy own me an just give me one single opportunity to be apart of your life