

Remember Your True Essence.
People have forgotten they are spiritual eternal beings living a temporary experience. An its ok the world an those in leadership or power have warp the truth. For far far to long the force of darkness has clouded this world. They try to keep you in a state of fear. You know what fearing something does. It gives that which you fear your power. The more people that fear it the more power it gains. An don't let the fear of others put you in fear. An don't let them make you do something out of guilt. Me personally I will never let anyone tell me to wear a mask. Well, they can tell me but I'll never do it.. I do not give my power to this, I don't even recognize its existence. For I am more powerful in the light of the creator than any virus or entity an so are you. When you are not held back by the limiting beliefs of this culture that you only one an insignificant. I tell you believe in yourself an in the source of all things. An if your believe is true an deep within your being, so deep that no man can even begin to plant any seed of doubt. If that mountain is in you way, Say mountain get out of the way. An the montain shall move. Connect to your ancestors ,spirit guides an guardian angels. Ask them for guidance an it will come. Maybe not how you expect it, but it will come to those who are open to receive. Whether you believe it or not we all have those who watch over us, an they are omnipresent . Connect to the infinite creator an you will know what is true. Once you form your spiritual connections. If someone tries to lie to you there words will turn to ash in their mouth. An that which they say to others will fall upon def ears. You will know truth when it is spoken. You will see what cannot be seen. Beings sliping in an out of the earth plane from higher an lower dimension an from other star systems. Some come as ambassadors of the light an love an of the one infinite creator. an some are not. Those who are not of the light feed on your fears, hate, violence an anger. There always influencing people with power an fortune an once they gain their power an furtune . The darkness will have great influence over what they think an do. The creator wants this world an everyone on it to rise above these emotions. To know now that they are powerful spiritual beings. An that you are part of the all an the infinite. An will always be apart of the whole. One mind one thought one infinite creation. Only concussness exists an everything is created from concussness an the infinite. Your brain did not create you or you concussness. You concussness creates the brain/body, they act as a processor to compile the data through all the senses of the body to experience this exsitance. To evolve the soul to ever higher plans of exists. In this exsitance your path is your own, an no one can walk it but you.
Free will is yours Not even you guides we take that from you. Though they will try to lead you in the other direction if it is the wrong path. But the decision is yours an always has been. Now that doesn't mean that darkness can't try to lead you. Ok I'll end it here but before I go. spirit gave me something to share with everyone. An yes it's a picture I took this 3 nights ago. I will zoom in on the main object in the first one an the second will be the whole image. May love, light an wisdom of the creator be with you all.

PS : All images are mine an were shot at my home. They may not relate to the topic. They are only to show that there is more to exsitance then one could ever imagine.

------By Tom T Shrout------
© TomT