

Seduced by a vampire Series 1
The footsteps following me sounded closer. I ran through the empty corridors of the hospital, my heart pounding with terror.
I turned a corner and stopped short. I had reached a dead end.
I heard a low growl from the corridor "quickly find her" a man shouted making gloria jump.

Flashback an hour ago.

I cant believe I just witnessed a man latching onto a patient's neck biting him. I gasped and the guy turned towards me he had red eyes and blood dripping down his mouth with a smirk he rubbed his thumb on the blood and sucked on it while starring at me.
I did the first thing I could think of I screamed and ran back out the door.

An hour later gloria was breathing heavy hoping that he couldn't hear her she ran back and realised she should of turned right not left she saw the exit in the distance halfway to the door a man cleared his throat "And where do you think your going hmmm"?

Tears formed in my eyes "please don't hurt me I won't tell anyone please" Gloria begged.
The man smirked "with what you just witnessed I should end you right here right now".
"please I do anything" pleaded gloria
Be careful by giving me that if you really want to do anything come and follow me "

Gloria started crying "Why dont you just kill me and end my suffering you just want my blood"
Shaking his head he replied "No unfortunately I dont want your blood I want you to be mine my name is Clive by the way you will call me as such."
"Yes clive I will follow you" she replied shaky
"Excellent choice now come with me "

Gloria followed Clive slowly outside towards a black car a man slowly got out and open the passenger door for Clive.
Clive turned to gloria and said "Ladies first" with a smile on his face. I reluctantly got in the car with its leather interior i took my seat and Clive sat to close to me I tried moving but he growled in warning .
I froze and kept still for the rest of the journey.

Three hours later we pulled up to a huge gate with a high fence on either side I looked ahead and saw men coming towards the car I got scared but clive was sitting calmly. Clive rolled down his car window and immediately the guys stood and opened the gate to let him through no questions asked I starred up at him but that's when he interrupted my thought .
"Welcome to my home Glora" he cheerfully said.
The car slowly drove through and in the distance I could see a mansion my mouth dropped open in shock and the garden looked amazing. Next to me Clive chuckled "I'm glad you improve come let me show you your quarters "

The car pulled up outside the steps to the mansion. The driver got out and opened Clive door ,clive stood up and offered me his hand. I shaky took it and stood behind him and let him lead me inside .
I jumped once he abruptly stopped and I bumped into his hard back .
"Sorry" gloria shook.

"Here is your quarters he opened the door for me and she gasped when she looked inside and saw lilac wallpaper a bed and walk in closet she walked in and went to the next door and found her very own bathroom .

Authors note
I hope you like it I'm not sure whether I should continue it or not any thoughts?

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