


Marissa led her to the guest room, told her to freshen up while she prepared some pasta in the kitchen. Meanwhile Marissa hadn’t cooked in this house for almost two weeks because of my mistake and now she does it for someone she slapped a while ago. The turn of event just felt surreal to me.

After she had shut the door to the guest room, I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her towards the kitchen. She yanked her arm from my grasp, glared at me, and turned away without saying a word to me. Marissa was still angry with me and I knew I had to give her some space.

I went to our bedroom to freshen up as well. When I came down stairs, I saw Marissa speaking with the lady in the dining room, but something interesting caught my attention. I realized that whenever this lady lowered her gaze to eat her food, Marissa would either roll her eyes or stare at her coldly and when their eyes met, her lips would suddenly curl into a smile. I chuckled inwardly and shook my head.

When I entered the dining room, Marissa’s eyes met mine. I looked away, walked into the kitchen, and poured a glass of water for myself. I went back to the dining room and sat across from the lady without sparing Marissa a glance. I began to ask her some questions about herself and her ex-boyfriend. After the conversation, we decided to call it a night.

Jayden Lockwood, her ex-boyfriend was a world-renowned movie director and producer. He was one of the youngest people in the movie industry to have won the most enviable and prestigious award for the director of a motion picture during the Golden Globe Awards in 2018 at the age of forty-two.

Three years later, his wife, Elena Lockwood filed for a divorce and took custody of their son after she caught him kissing one of the actresses he worked with on his set. It seemed that, this wasn’t the first time either since she had caught him on several occasions, but she overlooked that for the sake of their five-year-old son, Jason Lockwood.

Jayden was able to see his child every two weeks and the court had permitted him to pay child support until his son turned eighteen.

Michelle Johnson was a thirty- three years lady who worked as a nanny by day and a waitress at a restaurant by night in Los Angeles. She lived alone because she had no family. During one of her night shifts at the restaurant, she chanced upon Jayden Lockwood. He had always been a huge fan of hers ever since she discovered that he had produced and directed one of her favorite fantasy series, ‘Vest Of Power’.

It's also been her dream to meet him one day. She never believed what they had written in the tabloids concerning Jayden’s extra-marital affair with the actress or any other woman. Jayden tipped her generously after she waited at his table and such gesture made her day.

Unbeknownst to Michelle, Jayden had stayed back in his car until she closed from work. When she walked out of the restaurant, Jayden called out to her. Michelle was surprised to meet Jayden again. She believed this was luck and the time to make her dream a reality. Jayden went on to ask for her contact and even offered to give her a ride home.

Without hesitation, she took his phone and saved her contact in it. After that day, they texted and talked to each other every day. He’d pick her up from work and even surprise her with some gifts at the restaurant or her apartment. Jayden and Michelle were friends for about a year and they loved each other’s company.

At times, he'd spend the night at Michelle’s apartment only to watch movies and chill when she had no shift at the restaurant. A year later, Jayden decided to surprise Michelle on her thirtieth birthday by preparing a special dinner for her at his house. He gave her a lot of gifts, but the highlight of it all was a two- bedroom house he bought for her in Los Angeles.

Michelle was simply overjoyed to the extent of sharing her first kiss with Jayden. When they pulled apart, Jayden confessed his love for Michelle.

Michelle was kind of taken aback by his confession since she was oblivious to his feelings towards her. He then asked her to be his girlfriend and she happily agreed. They went to events and traveled together. Michelle was crazily in love with Jayden. She went on to quit her job as a nanny and worked as a full- time waitress at the restaurant.

Jayden had wanted her to quit both jobs so that he could help her become an actress since it was part of her dream. Michelle rejected his offer since she felt the movie industry wasn’t a safe space for her anymore because of Jayden. She being in every tabloid was enough for her. She had her private life and she felt the need to protect it.

In the second year of their relationship, she caught Jayden having sex with one of the actresses he had introduced her to during an event they attended in Rome. He came over to her house the next day with white roses and some gifts she loved. Michelle accepted the gifts and made up with him over sex.

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