

I don't know how u do the shit u do,
say the shit u say,
if we are nothing to you,
then u have nothing to lose,
u had nothing all along,
nothing to choose,
win or lose,
u have broken NOTHING
that's a choice for u to choose,
.... too much is happening,
you taking all the good memories,
your taking your shine,
your taking away all of the good and replacing them with bad times,
u remember us so differently,
ur love is so cruel,
im a Fuckiin fool,
just your muse,
but I'll stop this now,
no more I refuse,
I ain't a tool
your so fuckiin far from cool,
u used to make me drewl
now u got me feeling things I've never felt for u!!!
you got my broken in pieces all over the floor,
leave them there,
I cant stand the shit u talk,
damn ur actions tell me so much more,
u won't begin cos u know,
u can't,
we can't,
go back to what we had before..
I crave it though I need you so much more

are ur lies more real to me then the truth!?! that's the question I'm asking,
cos still,
I can't work out,
what's right or wrong,
what's true or false,
I've lost direction,
this damn life got me sinking in depression, I've never been the type,
to sit and let shit just worsen,
I'd Fix it before the broken
hits the surface,
what is it u want,
cos I'm nothing,
with nothing to offer,
that's what u think ain't it !?!
why don't i look at the bigger friggin picture, open my eyes
and just Fuckiin see,
ur betting against me,
throwing all obstacles at me,
thinking I'm fuckin Cathy freeman,
u know I'm not an athlete
although I'm a champion,
I'm a soldier in my own land,
a compass that's just broke,
won't know which way to fuckiin go
now u let me loose
in some place,
I don't understand,
if life is like this is what did i fuckin choose, I got nothing to gain nothing to lose, remember those words as clear as I do,

when I rise and I want u by my side,
come running back I'll show u a different side,
I have this mask
it's a face,
I'll wear as mine,
no one will know,
it's just a disguise.
© sandiiRsalt