

Surviving Grimward (Part Three)
We're going to Goriah Caves today. We're gonna get Grimm-stone and the first lake water. The first lake water means the first lake we jumped in when we first met the monster. I have a lot of questions to ask once we free that guy. To get to Goriah we'll have to walk though two forests, swim across a lake called Gulp, go through the maiz then arrive to the cave. It's gonna be a long journey but we're destined so we will make it. We got a bag full of supplies that we got from the abandoned cabin. We are now walking through the the forest. There's a lot of fog and it's creeping me out. We've been walking from morning till sunset. Only night Grimward comes so we'll get to see him. He has good timing. He used his powers to teleport us. A bubble circled us then it popped and we appeared at the maiz. He was gone. The monster is nowhere to be seen but I'm thankful for the lift. How do we get around this maiz. I've been here before when I was an infant when mom brouht me to play games here but I don't remember how to escape. All I see is pathways of bushes. Well rest here for the night then start at morning.
Finally got through the maiz after a whole day of trying to find our way out. We're at a mountain entrance. I've always wanted to hike and now I can. We climbed up the mountain and saw the huge cave of Goriah. Jake and Blaire ran in with the flashlight and left me outside in the dark. I don't got a flashlight but I'll catch up.We ran to a very dark area in the cave where we could hardly see even with the flash of light. Atleast I see Grimm-stone. We took the axe out and started mining. We got enough now we gotta go. The place is shaking. Rumor has it that when this special stone is removed the place will shake. I didn't believe it but now I do. No! A rock is about to fall on Jake. Grimward appeared and built a shield around him which made the stone fall beside him instead of falling on his head. The monster disappeared. Place is still shaking. Gotta go. We escaped the cave and ran down the mountain fast. My pulse is stronger than ever. I'm really tired. We laid on the grass breathing heavily. They both fell asleep. I woke them up and Jake made a whistle calling Grimward. He came and teleport us to the first lake. This is it. He's gonna turn human again. And the sun is rising so we have to hurry. He took the stone and dipped it in the water trying not to get his fingers wet. The stone was put in his mouth and he began to chew. Monster's eat stones? That's weird. The sun rose and he turned human. He is a boy our age and he has blond hair and blue eyes. We ran over and made a group hug with him. I still got questions to ask.

"Hey y'all. It's Ash and I just wanna say thanks for reading and leave that ❤ and comment if you like Part Three. You are confused about some stuff but it will all make sense in Part Four."

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