

the war of my year
it I'll started when a kid told lots of things to us about a war that broke out in the.. the then the kid stoped an ran before enyother words could come out of his mouth a strange person that looks to be holding a pencil with a bag wrapped around the shoulders it looks heavy what is that bag for ask the girl standing with blue hair and tall white skin as the person replied oh silly you know what this is you go here everyday silly but the girl ran off before any other words could be heard that's funny said the strange person they never usually run off like that the kids usually love me as the strange person went through a strange door that led to a dark room with oak wood floors and checkered walls which seemed weird because usually floors for checkered and the walls were the ones to have wood but I guess this room was different the lady complained all the other strange people in the room and said. honestly what has gotten into the children I talked to the girl Sally today my favorite but before any other words everyone else ran off that's strange I wonder what happened to our universe everyone's been weird today. the kids in the but then the p word walked in and now I'm talking big p word she was in charge of the whole facility what's going on you might be fired if you mentioned the word what word you know what word I'm talking about you're in the building right now it's a bad word they just announced it on the news the other day that anyone who talks about it let's just call it can go to jail for up to 4 years to 10 years or Landon 8 years of community service. that is preposterous how could anyone be so peculiar after the day was over the strange lady saw the kids getting on the bus and wait to them the bus driver flew a signal telling the kids to run fast onto the bus and no stopping all the parents heard of their kids into the cars and drove as fast as they could home even if they were breaking the speed limit of school zones all the other teachers feared as they lock their classroom doors inside let's get out of this s word I hope the kids got on the b word safely said another. and I hope the other kids get into their parents' cars safely or other guardian cars some kids walk home some kids b worded home no the kids walked home or to the library or the convenience store because they were next door. all the strange people were home when they got a voice message from the d word (hello today is October 10th 2020 Halloween is just passed kids had a great time trick or treating around the neighborhood but it is still not safe to say those words I do not know why we cannot say the b word the s word or even the d word don't kids need to learn these words I mean they already know them words but for some reason someone out there in the world complained that these words are like swear words tomorrow when you go to school arm yourselves look every corner and make sure no kid says these words because if they do you could lose your job and they could go to juvenile) the next day came I really woke up ate breakfast got on the b word or gotten a car or walked no matter what g word they were in and on themselves just like the message said they made sure to keep shut for the whole day go home tell their parents whether they have said those words are not few weeks went by in the same verification went through each day it was non-stop for the rest of the s word year but then a big day came up it was a Friday afternoon we were all waiting to go home and a storm flew in no not a tornado not a thunderstorm it wasn't a storm at all but I called it a storm because it was a storm of armed men wearing black suits strip ties and some of them were even wearing tinted sun glasses they told us that some people have been saying those words that we shouldn't be saying they've been saying them because they said it was funny but it wasn't the whole school was in for a real treat and everyone was going to be held accountable and the police station till they find out who did it after a while no one had any evidence so they had to let us go and they did with a warning but when we got home our parents weren't there turns out the government has told them Ransom in an exchange we must give up our lives we must work we must go into child labor to get her parents back for 2 weeks and non-stop working but I wasn't going to try and nobody was not even the teachers we all lived in the school for a while so everything was resolved the parents found their way of escaping and they couldn't fit too many parents because there was no room the very next day I woke up in a hospital paralyzed to my death and I said to the hospital worker would have happened but the hospital worker smile laughed and gleamed at me (there is no sense of you knowing what happened because you happened kid) before I could get up I saw a knife being held to my face this is what you get this is what all your friends get all your teachers because you are the one to report everyone for all these beings saying all these words claiming their swear words but they're not this is all you. the girl claims it was not me it was everyone. I know that which is why everyone's going to die not just you and I'm not a doctor or a clinic or even a nurse I'm just a homeless man who has been spying on you I think this report just so I could kill everyone in your school when everyone's been buying it and finding ways to escape it I got tired.. 2 seconds later a lot more men came in the room with knives and machetes and blood was everywhere the men got up out of their chairs started licking the blood in the dead bodies pulling down their underwear and eating it and sticking things up them they didn't know they just laughed smile and played all the dead bodies licking their blood and souls oh yeah that blood taste good said one of the men one of the woman screamed this is the best day ever and after that day they ran off kissing and harassing all the dead bodies and don't forget that every time you go to school never say any of the words that were mentioned today like school is a bad word grade is a bad word bus is a bad word and every time you see those words there's a chance that these men and women just might come and kill you and eat you and lick your blood and sexually harass your body if you don't want this to happen to you never read this book again??????
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