

The Promotion
A man named Jack has everything going for him. He has money, beautiful cars. He has a great career in a product design firm.
One day while at work; the boss of the company called Jack to his office.
“Jack” the boss said “ you have been doing great things for our company, and I want you to know that it doesn’t come unseen.”
“I have noticed, which is why I called you in here today; I will get straight to the point, I want to promote you.” “I want you to become partner.”
Overwhelmed with so many different thoughts Jack was speechless. He took a few minutes to think about what he said.
Jack finally with great excitement took the job.
Later that day Jack wanted to celebrate his new success. So he called his buddy and went out for drinks.
Few drinks later Jack and his friend Charles decided that they would go to this new club they had in town called The Red Rave Dance club.
They finally arrive at the club and go in.
This place is big inside. Colored lights everywhere. There’s Loud music and tons of people dancing. Charles Jack’s friend decides he’s going to get on the dance floor. Jack told Charles he will be at the bar getting them drinks.
So Jack walks up to the bar and orders some drinks when he saw this...