

Yoongi's Sister: One
The next day only six of the seven males arrived at the school ad one was already there. Jimin was trying first to notice this and asked where Yoongi was. "Ah, he's already inside showing the new student around. But hey, at least you don't have to worry about being bullied anymore," Seokjin said smiling.

Jimin tilted his head in confusion. "What do you mean?" he asked. The other members laughed as if he said a joke and just walked into the building. "Yah I'm serious!" he yelled as he chased after them with his short legs. When inside the school they all headed to the cafeteria to eat break.

After everyone had their plate and sat down, Taehyung pointed afar, a wide smile on his face. "It's Yoongi hyung!" he said happily. Yoongi walked up to the table with his plate, a female at his side. "Whts up guys?" Yoongi asked as he sat down. "Nothing much, what about you?" Hoseok asked with a mouth full of food.

Seokjin smacked him in the head with a frown. "Manners child! I know I taught you them." he said with a sigh. Hoseok rubbed the part that stung from the hit as he chewed then swallowed his food. "Sorry Jin hyung," he mumbled.

Everyone continue talking but one person. Her earbuds were in as she played heavy metal and rock, not caring what the others did not said. The food looked disgusting, so she just ate the fruit. A tap to her left made he look up. "Yeah?" she asked after taking an ear bud out.

"I haven't seen you before, are you knew?" Jimin asked with curious eyes. "Yeah, I'm also your bodyguard." she said with a shrug. "Wait what? I don't need a bodyguard," Jimin said with wide eyes. "Listen, I don't know if they told you or not, but I do NOT tolerate bullying." she said emphasizing the word not.

"I got a text from my brother giving the 2401. That means someone they know is being bullied and needs backup, aka me. I was also informed that that person was you and that I was need to be in all your classes and to keep an eye on you and blah bah blah." she added

"But you're just a female- a girl. Why would I need you to protect me? Shouldn't it be the other way round?" Jimin asked still confused. "I might be a girl but I'm also Karma, and you know when they say 'Karma can be a real bitch.' Either way, I'm not one to back out of a 2401, so like it or not I'm sticking to my job." she said crossing her arms.

Jimin nodded as the bell rings for all students to get to their class. Everyone went their way to get to their classes, the hallways filled with students and conversations. As Jimin's walking to his class, he realizes that he never asked who her brother was, along with asking what her name was. 'Man I'm slow,' Jimin thought with a sigh escaping his lips.

After getting to the door Jimin peaked in to see that Jaeho was no where in sight. with a relief sigh the male went to go sit in his usual seat and waited for the bell to ring and the teacher to arrive. Pulling out his textbook and notes for the class the class door slammed open to show a smirking Jaeho.

Gulping Jimin stood up and bowed to his bully. "You think bowing to me will make me let you off the hook? You have better luck at living after the beating I'm about to give you," Jaeho said as he stomped his way towards the shorter male. Cowering back Jimin covered his face as Jaeho swung his fists.

No pain came. "Who the fuck are you?!" Jaeho screamed angered. Jimin slightly opened his eyes to see why he wasn't being beaten to a pulp right now. Turns out the girl from earlier in the cafeteria, she was holding Jaeho's fist in her hand. A bored expression lingered on her face as she looked at her nails.

"You must be Choe Jaeho, the schools biggest bully? Yeah so I need you to leave this kid alonealone, okay, okay." she said narrowing her eyes at him. "You bitch! I'm not afraid to his a girl!" Jaeho said as he swung his other fist. She grabs his other hand by the wrist and twisted it till he grunted in pain.

With a dwift sweep of her leg he fell to the floor. "The name's Min Yooji, and I'm not afraid to hit a guy,"