

Sometimes "Rock-bottom" is a good place to be....
Once again... I find myself imprisoned in a glass-house of emotion behind a very real cage of concrete walls. I have succumbed once more to the powerlessness of quantum chemical explosions inside my cerebral cortex and the selfishness of my own devilish desires... the forces of darkness that divide my inner-sanctum and give berth to the realization of my undeniable character defects are a manifestation of my own insecurities and cowardice. My uncontrollable compulsive behaviors bring to light other surreal ideals and bring forth the power within me to admit the confirmation that I am powerless in the rawest sense of natures form. The formalities now involved give me comfort in the basis findings of human potential... and I am humbled from my current mental image and realization that the condition of my mental capacity and sanity can soon be restored and relieve me from my own mental and emotional imprisonment.-

©Psalms/Poems By Thomas
© CAThomas-