

I had forgotten you when God brought us back together. I am very grateful that He made you remember me.
If I had not followed His instructions to be an honorable Man I would be dead by now, by spider, fire, or blade.
I thank God everyday that he saved us for each other. Using us to save each other and everything I walked through because it made me into the Man you need.
I will always need you too,
you inspire me to keep being the best I can be, everday. I hope that I never break your heart, I know you have been hurt before and I hope the rest of our lives are as amazing as our wedding day, how many couples can say The Great Bear smiled at them showing them beyond any doubt that we were made for each other?
Our spiritual gifts perfectly compliment each other, You make me want to stay Honorable. Making you smile and laugh is as natural as breathing.
I hope that you will always be happy with your choice to accept that ring, I pray that Yahweh, Yay-Ova and Yesua bless our bond and that the spiritual love we have will last eternity.
I will forget the others as surely as I forgot about our first kiss until we relived the moment.
Time heals all wounds and with some patience the only one I will remember is my soulmate.
The songs have meaning,
there is more beauty than ever in the world,
I will do everything I can to be here for you, to provide all I can, even when we think all is lost remember the perfect days we had.
I love you with all my heart, soul, and mind.
I'll be your Dexter as long as you will be my Cowgirl.
Remember the mountains smiling.
Remember that Our God brought us together and He will never leave or forsake us.
I pray that you will always know that he is with you just like he is with me, He chose you as well or we wouldn't have been so perfect for each other, no one but the Masterpiece Maker Himself could have arranged the signs we saw.
We made God smile when we had our Wedding day.
He showed us both that.
Thank you for taking me as your husband.
© Abstraktkonsiousness