

a letter to the changed dear
sometimes people aren't wrong, it's circumstances which makes them go wrong, not always are these their faults that the situation went wrong, yes they do n even I agree over that, but it's ironical how they did when I was at nadir n you were at zenith...

dear .......
Maybe u were right, maybe it was the circumstances who changed you, but you know what, the problem isn't that you changed, problem is that there is no refund of my emotions, of all that I spent. Maybe it wasn't you who was wrong but wrong was done to my life, maybe you aint doing it willingly but it was all due to you, that I faced the fright. maybe you are clean at heart but that doesn't reduce my pain maybe u juz wish to restart, but I nomore have that ability to bare. Relations and equations change with time, I don't blame u, but u need to value things n people not everything n everytime should you only be understood. Ok I still understand, u arent really experienced, bt u aint a child right how long do I bare? u n ur mood swings, ur problems, ur stress, n ur will. your tym, ur repo, ur self respect, ur needs. ur marks n ur dreams, where am I in ur list ?
what ABT my needs? judging world into right n wrong doesn't alwayswork, grow up dude, u aren't a kid now n plz stopp making me suffer,
it would be of huge help to me, if u could plz let me be, let my soul, if not happy, atleast will feel alive. 🙏🙏

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