

The Girl And The Trampled Rose

The Girl And The Trampled Rose

(my heart aches for Zion)

On the night before Wormwood attacked Jericho, my mother called me and asked me to sit by her side. Then she gave me a rose flower and when I asked why she told me her dream: she said that a man came to the city of Jericho and planted a rose flower which grew and everyone rejoiced. But another man came and persecuted us and asked everyone to step on that rose flower and many did except me.
She said I picked the rose flower and kissed it, then hid it behind me.
That was all she could recall. I heaved and took my gaze towards the rose flower. "I'll kiss the trampled rose, I'll stand for the rose" I mumbled returning my gaze to mother. I watch her nod and hugged me. We both knew what the dream meant; the invasion was imminent and our faith would be tried and tested. It was no one but Wormwood even though no one had seen him we've all heard of his story. Rumors went now and then that Wormwood would invade Akryfa. Akryfa was our dear nation, Big sister once said it's the only one we've got, but Mama said not so, she said we had a better country and so we're not mindful of this one. She called it Zion and since then my heart ached for Zion.

an excerpt from the novel, The Girl and The Trampled 🌹 Rose

© JC Allison