

Story with My doll
Oh my doll !!
Listen to me!
I need to talk to you,
Whether you like it or not,
But I want to talk with you
Since no one is listening to me,
I screamed and no one cared,
I shouted but no one heared,
I was terrified that nothing would happen.
Despite being surrounded by people,
I Still felt alone,
Is this just only for me or what!
What are my expectation?
Is unique from others?
Please look at me;don't close your ears !
I tried to compromise myself,
Understand the world,
Heal my sufferings, and embrace life,
But I couldn't.
I turned back and asked why?
I have everything I deserve
Yet why is this happening to me?
I am not getting clear answer to my question?
Still unanswered.
Where is the optimism, courage, stength & happiness I have with me?
Now, tell me, why? my doll
lives in a world full of sensory inputs
Yet maintains silence!!
I added a comma,,since the globe is currently in coma.!!!

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