

To my father...
In Sunil Gangopadhyay's celebrated poem, the narrator's father wanted to console the narrator by saying that everything will be alright, only to be blinded in his later years! As a result, the narrator couldn't accomplish anything that he long wished to. In Smaranjit Chakraborty's novel, Aarav's father said that Aarav would have to suffer tremendously in his life, a prophesy which did come true! My father did neither of this, but today, in this late night of ending May, I remember him. I remember his words and cry in private! Today marks perhaps the final day of my life with someone whom I didn't want to lose. But this is not what I intended or wished in my wildest nightmares! But the world is not something which would obey my commands! It will still revolve round the sun, there will be still ebb and tides, but someone would be lost forever! I didn't mean to write this, but yes, it happened without my knowledge and definitely, without my consent! If only my father could have been here to console his heartbroken son–someone who proved himself an utter failure from the moment he opened his eyes!

©Urban Troubadour

28 May 2024
10-54 pm.

© Van Helsing
