

how it's gonna end ?
"Freedom ... This word is what I'm seeking for . Freedom from myself , this is what I'm asking for . Can I do it ? If not , am I going to end up the way I'm . The way my body is , the way I'm lying on soft but not warm , grass . The way blood is dripping from my mouth to neck , am I gonna end up like this now and here ?"

"I don't know , what's going on . I'm too exhausted even to breath . And it's dark . The thing I hate the most being in dark because that makes my eyes shine and my body uncontrollable . Still I'm lying here with sleepy eyes. I don't know......" Before completing ,I slept .

"Oh Jesus , someone is lying here !"

"Did something happened yesterday ?"

"Should we call the police ?"

I could bearly hear these things , don't know but I could feel , there are many people near me . But I'm not able to move because of sleeping paralysis . I got to move after few minutes . I opened my eyes , there were many peoples around me , I guess I created a scene here ! I sat at my position . Then I remembered I was at a park lying like a dead body .

" Hey , are you okay ? Need some water " one lady standing near me offered water . I just ignored it and stood up .

" See , I'm fine . So there's nothing here to gossip about , now everyone go your way . " I stated rudely , that's how I'm . I know they would we cruseing me . Everyone got away in some minutes .

I took a big breathe and started finding my car which I parked at park's parking lot .

I found my car and I just walked to it and got in .

I turned the mirror on my face , there was nothing not even a single bruise . There wasn't even a strain of blood on my face . Well , I guess it could be miracle for you for me it's common , that's how my fucking life is . I put my keys at ignition and started driving .

"I wish everything could be normal , everything refers to me and my life ." I sighed .

I drove to my home . I actually don't want to go to my home as yesterday it was my birthday and it was worst enough but still I have to as someone would be waiting for me , my mom .

I parked my car in the garage. As I was in hurry last night , I don't have keys . I rung the door bell . I know she will open the door in flash .

Few minutes passed but she didn't open the door . A sudden anxiety and fear ran through my veins , is everything okay ? Without a single thought I broke the door with my powers and ran inside . I searched the house but she wasn't there , no where ! I got more anxious and scared , my head was spinning ......

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