

Kira reimagined (Part 2) (Jojo)
#NSFW ⚠️

It had been decided. They needed everyone they could get on this case. Josuke, Okuyasu and his father, Koichi and Yukako, Jotaro and Joseph (holding the invisible baby), Hazmada, Tonio, Aya, Rohan, Shigechi (reluctantly), and finally, Kira. They all approached the same location. Remy’s ally. As they drew near, Kira began to feel a powerful anxiety within himself, so much so that he was trembling. He felt sick to his stomach. He paused and leaned against a wall, panting and groaning for a moment.

“Huh? Mr. Kira? Are you ok? You look really pale.” Josuke put a hand on the man's shoulder, seeing if Crazy Diamond could assist. It was no use. Kira held his mouth, his knees buckling under himself.

“M-my apologies, Josuke…this is rather unfortunate timing…I…I need to go home…” Kira's voice wavered. Wiping sweat off of his forehead, he looked into Josukes eyes as if asking permission to leave.

“It’s alright…” Josuke sighed, taking pity on the man before him. We’ll catch you up on things later, I guess…” Before anything else could be said, Kira sprinted until he ran out of breath. Falling onto his hands and knees, he couldn’t hold down the contents of his stomach any longer. He lurched violently, his body ejecting his lunch all over the grass.

“How humiliating…” He thought to himself, his face flushing warmly. Taking care, he lifted himself off the ground and continued on his shameful way home. His mind raced. The killer. The boys. Stand users…He closed his door behind himself. Entering the bathroom, Kira washed his dirt stained hands and rinsed out his mouth. That hand…he’d held a freshly severed hand today. The thought of it chilled his blood. He had to get the image out of his head, so he replaced it with something much better. A live hand. Soft and warm to the touch. Wearing a shiny silver ring.

V Skippable sexual scene. (2 paragraphs) V


Slender fingers caressing his face. Moaning, he sat himself down on his couch and rubbed his hands over his face, pretending they were someone else's. Kira rolled over and pushed his hips to the couch, breath heavy. Quickly, he unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants before feverishly humping the soft piece of furniture, “Ah, god…Yes, “ He groaned, feeling so needy now. He wanted someone to please him. His body craved it so deeply. He felt as though he needed it. He needed it so badly. He let out a loud, drawn-out moan,“Killer Queen…Touch me…” his stand was summoned.
This wasn’t the first time he’d used Killer Queen to get off. The stands warm hand wrapped around Kira’s teased prick and squeezed as it pumped him. Kira grunted loudly and began thrusting into the stands grip, “Fuck! Haaah~! I wanna cum! Please make me cum~!” Kira felt tears beginning to form in his eyes. He wondered how he let himself get to such a desperate state. Usually, by this day of the week, he was satisfied. Had something gone wrong? He shook the thought and kept at it before finally releasing into Killer Queen's hand with a sighing moan and promptly falling asleep.


When Kira woke, he instantly knew something was amiss. Where was his new girlfriend? He was planning to use her today, however, now that he thought about it, he didn’t feel the urge to do such a thing anymore. Looking upon himself, he came to the conclusion that he’d already gotten off just a while prior, “Hmmm…I must have just taken care of it and simply forgot. I really need to be more focused…Now, where is she?” He cleaned himself up and began looking for the severed hand, becoming more paranoid by the moment. No way…It was somewhere out there! He panicked, then he paused. He had taken precaution for this. Killer Queen could take care of it in an instant. The hand was probably too far gone by now. He smiled and, of course, clicked the button.

Somewhere out there, the hand and the ring exploded, vanishing for good. What hadn’t vanished, however, was Kira’s bloodlust. An undying devotion to the elegant dominance of hands filled him with the desire to kill. To sever the beautiful goddess from the rest of it’s unworthy, lazy body. Kira wanted to remain forever subservient and loyal to the multi-appendaged structure. The thought alone of such a life made his very pores tingle with pleasure. He had to go out for another kill. Kira relaxed his posture, adjusted his tie, and fixed his hair before heading out for a walk. He was surely missing work by now. At this rate, he was going to get the other him fired. He didn’t mind. He didn’t care much for his other self and his foolish routines.

“Excuse me, sir,” a concerned voice interrupted his thoughts. He turned to face a woman, about his age, with lengthy purple hair and a neat suit and tie. Her hands, which he couldn’t help himself from surveying, were certainly not his type. The fingers were of uncanny length, with large, boney knuckles and so pale that they resembled the bones within them. The skin was also damaged and dry with heavily bitten and unkempt nails. He shuddered to himself at the poor conditions of them and wondered how someone could willingly cause such damage to their own hands.

“Is something the matter?” He kept a monotone voice and politely calm demeanor.

“I think I’m lost…I was looking for my friend's house, but I think I lost my way. I'm new around here. Could you walk me to her address?” she timidly asked.

“I’m afraid not. I have something important to do.” Kira replied, remaining still.

“Oh, please, sir! It won’t be long, I promise!” She gripped the front of his shirt, locking eyes with him. He sighed.

“Alright, then,” Kira thought to himself a moment. Perhaps he could use this woman to get to someone with the ideal set of hands, “What's the adress?”