

Jealousy is a Type of Window
Write a short story with the word "Jealousy" as the main theme.

"If your eyes were daggers, you'd have been arrested for killing me on the spot."

Darling, your sweet kisses were delightful. Your touches were loving, soft and addicting and your smile...your smile could light up a thousand bulbs. In fact, they were—lethal as much as they were mesmerizing. They make my knees buckle all the time...(chuckles nervously)...sometimes in sheer horror and fear too.

Like—literally and figuratively.

"Ah.. hehehehe... I—I never hugged her. S—she hugged me." Her eyes squinted at me in doubt. The kitchen smelled of baked turkey and you were cutting onion on the counter. I loved this chef side of you because I was always the kitchen-girl between the two of us.

But darling, this was such a wrong timing.

Have I ever told you, you are fierce? No? Well, you are. Especially when you have a knife in your hand and you were glaring at me like I stole a kiss in the middle of your make-up tutorials. You won't murder me in cold blood, I hope.

"And you liked it?"

"O—of course not. I—"

"You dislike my bestfriend's hug?" Her gaze darkened.

At this point darling, I didn't know if we were having some sort of a riddle contest where I am guessing when you'd explode after throwing me question after question with definitely wrong answers only.

Only wrong answers were acceptable. Uh...is that bad or is that right?

"A—uhm...n—no?" I chanced a step towards you but stopped when you gripped the hilt of the weapon in your hand tighter. "I mean, that's your f—friend. B—but..." I sighed. "Darling, you know—you have all of me, right?"

The vexation on your face dissipated into thin air. I smiled when you dropped the knife and crossed your arms to completely face me.

"The only person I'd definitely enjoy hugging, kissing, touching and infuriating is you. I'd always come home to you."

Your jealousy always make me smile inside...after shaking in fear, that is. I cherish that there is a part of you that doesn't want others to have me because...you own me.

You only want me to yourself. That makes me happy. Is that so bad?

"Tsss..stop overreacting."

You rolled your eyes like the cold person you want to be but, you pink cheeks never failed to betray you. I grinned and completely pulled you into my arms. I dropped a kiss on your lips to erase the sadness in there.

"You're cute jealous-bean." I teased.

Maybe my main goal in life is to be killed by you.

"Don't you dare call me that again."

"What? Jealous-bean?" She tried to get near me after I stepped away. "The turkey is burning."

And it is.

I laughed as I ran away from you, cursing in French and Spanish while the turkey burned inside the oven.

Life with you will never be dull my love.

I love you.

© astaire_grey