

The thrill
I take a deep breath and the smell of blood tingles my nose. I open my eyes and see what happend to me. That's when I remember. I am in jail with a beaten up guy sitting next to me. I look at him and say: " Everybody has a rough day once in a while." He just looked at me and rolled his eyes. I just snicker and continue trying to remember what got me into jail. That is when I remembered. My nose again started to tingle, for the smell it smelled it started to remember. My body getting the chills just by remembering the thrills. I shut my eyes and take another breath. The smell of blood so sweet, I just can't help but smile for a quite while. Sure it cost a life, but it was worth it. For I would do anything to get that thrill. The feeling of being alive again. The feeling of power. Plus that guy was a bad guy anyway. Committed multiple crimes. So I think I did the world a favour by shutting him down. But ofcourse the police does not see it that way. Murder is murder they said. But oh well. I'll just go to my happy place again. I try to remember my most happy thought. Ah yes the time I saved the world. Want me to tell you? Just kidding I would tell you anyway. The day I saved the world. It was just like any day at first. Boring and sunny. I woke up to the sound of birds singing and my alarm clock ringing. And just like any day I watched the news on the TV. That is where I saw the convicted for the first time. They said he escaped prison and that he is dangerous and in possession of heavy artillery. I just had to think to myself. Oh how messed up the world is. And if the man is so dangerous why did you let him flee? If it were me, he would have no place to flee. That is when I had the idea. Since I am now in quite a financial pit, why not catch him and cash in the reward? Or so I thought when it begun. In the end I found him. Pure luck? Destiny? Fate? Call it what you may, all I cared for is that I found him. How I cought him? Easy. I shot him in the leg so he couldn't run. I then pulled him to my car trunk in the alley. When I got home I pulled him out. He ofcourse tried to struggle so I had to knock him out with a close by baseball bat. When he awoke, he sat in a chair all tied up. I told him don't struggle or you'll just get hurt. But how stubborn he was. he struggled and squirmed like a worm. So I had to think of something to make it stop, because it was truly getting on my nerves. I mean how am I supposed to enjoy my favourite show with all that noise in the background? Anyway I told him politely again to stop. But instead he spat in my face and called me names. So I came to the conclusion to smash in his teeth. I mean I can't cut his tongue, otherwise I'd risk for him to die. And let me say. The voice he let out that night. It was just a thrill. It still lingers in my ears. Ah, it brings me to tears. It is just truly beautiful how a man screams when a few seconds ago he was all Mr. Tough cookie. After I smashed in his teeth and had a taste of that thrill, I thought it would be stupid to stop. I wanted more. More of that feeling. That thrill. So I got out the biggest hammer I found and smashed in all his toes. And...Ah... that scream. It was delightful to hear. Way better than my favourite show. The thrill so strong, I felt awake. Like I was reborn. I never wanted to stop. I kept thinking... what will make him scream even more? I took out my toolbox from the garage and took out some nice long nails and a mallet. I carefully placed those nails in his legs so that so won't move so easily for my next move. I took out my wrench and popped out his fingers. One by one. And one by one his scream was even more enjoyable. So how could I stop? I had to continue. Then I remembered, I have always wanted to see a guy with a eye cap. So I thought of the most painful way to get rid of his eyes. Because it truly would make no sense if you have eyes but wear a eye cap right? So I got some hot boiling water ready. I made him lay down for this one so it's easier for me. Then when I was all ready and him begging me in gibberish, I poured the hit water onto his eyes until... There were none left. The smell was quite horrible though. It was not as sweet as the smell of blood. So to get rid of that horrid smell I had to make him bleed. I remembered I had small metal pipes. So ofcourse i had to jam them in there. Oh the blood gushed everywhere. Oh the mess it made, it was insane! But it was worth it. The thrill of hearing his voice so shrill. The smell of blood tingling my nose. The blood splattering on my body, it felt like holy water. But then I heard a siren. Ugh. I have never liked the neighbours anyway. They always Taddletale. So sadly the time for me was over. When I looked over to the convict again. It seems that not only my fun as over but also his life. Oh well. It was worth while. The S.W.A.T team bashed in my door, which was not very polite. I will have to ask them to repay me for that. They grabbed me quite roughly as well. Such rude people. They come to my house and treat me like this. Now that I will not slide. But sadly there were too many, so I had to let it slide. At least for now.

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