

The Slow Blow (My little pony)
Discription: Unable to rid himself of his erection, Soarin has a nurse 'assist' him with his rather large and stiff problem

Soarin fidgeted on the examination table inside of Ponyville’s hospital. His dick stood at attention, still smeared with the mare’s cum and sexual juices from a short while ago. Now regretting his decision to take pills to give him a harder and longer-lasting erection, Soarin swore to himself that he’d never use them ever again if everything worked out.

He had been waiting for ten minutes already, and his cock was so stiff that it was starting to tingle, and not in a good way. The sharp, pungent smell of marecum hung in the air, making him wish that he’d washed himself off before flying here. He had tried jerking off after the mare had left his hotel room, but he just couldn’t finish. On top of that, no male doctors or nurses were available. As per usual protocol, males got to see male doctors and vice versa for the females, but since it was so late at night, only the females remained. There was one doctor on staff here, but Soarin had been told that she was busy with somepony who got injured in a fight during the show, leaving him with the next down the chain of seniority.

Nurse Redheart.

Soarin heard hoofsteps echoing down the hall, becoming louder and louder with each passing second. He shifted to the side and tried to hide his erection, but it was just so large and stiff that he couldn’t do a damned thing about it. As he heard the door start to creak open, he turned around completely so that his back was to the door. He heard somepony walk inside the room, shut the door, then lock it.

He shot a glance over his shoulder and saw a cute white mare. “He—hello there, Nurse.”

Nurse Redheart smiled warmly at him then placed her clipboard on the counter. “Hello, Soarin.” She cleared her throat, then coughed awkwardly. “I’ve heard of your, er... condition. Can you turn around so I can see please?” A blush tinted her cheeks a soft pink as she sat down. “And can you explain your problem?” She twirled a hoof in front of her.

Soarin sighed. He knew that he was going to have to do this eventually, so he might as well get over it and get it done with. Biting his lower lip, he turned back around and criss-crossed his legs, using his forelegs to try and hide his dick. The nurse simply giggled at him.

“You know you don’t have to be so uncomfortable around me, Soarin,” Nurse Redheart said. “I can already see your, um... tip peeking out from behind your legs.”

“Oh, er... Okay.” Though he was still tense, Soarin relaxed and dropped his legs back to his side. He wasn’t wearing his uniform, so his balls sat in plain sight, snugly sitting right beneath his now-throbbing cock. He cringed as he saw Nurse Redheart’s eyes go wide. Her lips formed...